One Who Calms the Storms

Psalm 107:29 (TPT) God stilled the storm, calmed the waves, and he hushed the hurricane winds to only a whisper.

Beloved, surely you must know that no storm – physical or natural – is too much for Me to handle. I AM the great I AM, Lord of Hosts, Creator of heaven and earth – nothing is too hard for Me. I AM strong and I AM able. I AM the one who calms the storms.

And you are My child. I take great delight in you and love to cover and protect you. Rest in the fact that I AM for you, I love you and I chose you. I have no desire to hurt or destroy you. Choose to believe that I AM for you and stay under the shelter of My wings. Continue reading “One Who Calms the Storms”

The Sweet Crescendo of His Refining Fire

The process used by metal smith’s to refine gold involves heating the metal until it is molten, resembling liquid mercury, though blazing white hot. A pinch of borax is added to the now liquid gold and small patches of a different texture and molten color rise to the surface of the metal. They appear to be darker, swirling, and spinning rapidly as the impurities, or dross, are burned off in the extreme heat, leaving a pure and mailable metal.  Continue reading “The Sweet Crescendo of His Refining Fire”

Dry and Weary

The path felt so dry and weary. Day after day of battling old thought patterns, feelings of hopelessness, unbelief and grief over dead dreams. Pushing forward trying to dream again but failing to stir up joy, to fan the flame. Seeking the face of God and His comfort. Clinging to His truths while struggling to overcome the embedded lies. Continue reading “Dry and Weary”

The Truth About Blessings

Numbers 23:20 (VOICE) Look here, I received a word of blessing, and He has spoken a blessing. I cannot take it back.

Beloved, My promises are yes and amen. I AM not capricious nor am I looking for reasons to change My mind. When I bless, I have blessed, and that blessing remains.

Resist the urge to be offended if the blessing is conditional, for I make the conditions known from the onset that you may choose rightly. Refuse to behave like a spoiled child who feels entitled to all life’s joys without care or responsibility.

What kind of Father would I be if I corrupted My children? I AM a good Father. So yes, some blessings come as a result of behavior, but also some come simply as a result of My generous love and desire to bless (like sunshine and rain).

So receive with gratitude all you have been given. Trust that I have reason for each thing I grant or withhold, release or delay. But you can rest assured that each decision is being made from a heart filled with love for you, and that even in the moments of trial I AM there. Continue reading “The Truth About Blessings”

Steadfast Trust

Psalm 112:7 (AMP) He will not fear bad news; His heart is steadfast, trusting [confidently relying on and believing] in the Lord.

Beloved, align your heart and expectations with My truth, for it is steadfast and unmovable – a stronghold and a place of safety. Steadfastly trust Me. For I AM good and perfect and true. I AM worth your praise and your devotion, so remain devoted.

Though the winds and waves may come, and the cares of life may close in, I will never change. I AM a solid rock – your firm foundation, and you can safely rest in Me. Even sorrow in Me brings strength, and even trials in Me yield character. So stay true and refuse to waver, keeping your gaze fixed on Me as your guiding star. Continue reading “Steadfast Trust”

Refuse to Take the Bait

Psalm 142:4 (GW) Look to my right and see that no one notices me. Escape is impossible for me. No one cares about me.

Beloved, though there may be times you feel overlooked, unseen, unimportant, and worthless, those feelings are not communicating truth to you. Refuse to take the bait. The enemy seeks to convince you of these things, but he is a liar and the father of lies.

Remember that David, a man after My own heart, a man quoted and beloved, a man still inspiring multitudes hundreds of years later felt the same way. You never know the full impact your life and actions have.

So keep your eyes and heart fixed on Me. Focus on obedience, and knowing and loving My Word. Abide with Me, and allow a life cultivated in that fertile soil to bear fruit and do so abundantly. Continue reading “Refuse to Take the Bait”

Desert Bloom

Isaiah 35:1 (GW) The desert and the dry land will be glad, and the wilderness will rejoice and blossom.

Beloved, I have created you to flourish in rough terrain. Refuse to let the rocks and desert deter you from making progress, for I have equipped you to succeed – to flourish even in hostile territory. Nothing can hold you back. I AM on your side.

There is strength in your beauty, beloved. Put it on display for all to see. Don’t hold back. Expand to the left and the right – stretch out your reach and stake more territory, for I AM with you, My heavenly hosts surround you, and I AM protecting you at every turn. Listen for My voice and respond. It is time to bloom. Continue reading “Desert Bloom”

Slow to Speak and Slow to Anger

Psalm 106:33 (AMP) Because they were rebellious against His Spirit, Moses spoke recklessly with his lips.

Beloved, be not riled. Rather hold your tongue and refuse to be provoked – even on My behalf. There are consequences to every word that falls from your lips; therefore, guard them carefully. Refuse to be baited into fruitless arguments or allow petty bickering to incite you to stoop to its level.

Walk in humility and wisdom, being slow to speak and slow to anger. Weigh each word and seek My Spirit’s counsel, for I AM the only one who fully knows the inner workings of men’s hearts, so ask Me for instruction on what to say and when to say it, and I will advise you with true wisdom that brings harmony. Continue reading “Slow to Speak and Slow to Anger”

Faithful to the End

Psalm 30:11 (VOICE) You did it: You turned my deepest pains into joyful dancing; You stripped off my dark clothing and covered me with joyful light.

Beloved, I AM faithful to the end. I always see you, for I AM El Roi, the God who sees. I AM equipped and fully able. I fiercely love My children. I AM devoted, and I move on your behalf. Rejoice in that victory. Give praise and honor to My name. Let the earth be filled with the sound of your joy, and may your life testify to the goodness of who I AM.

When the daylight comes and the night has passed, do not withhold your praise – not from a place of obligation, but from an overflow of love and joy. May your heart burst forth in zealous declaration that the God you serve – the only true God – is good and worthy of all praise.

Morning Dance

Psalm 126:5 (TLB) Those who sow tears shall reap joy.

Beloved, I have promised and I will deliver. I AM good to My word. Rest in a place of joyful expectation, even when the night is long and the sky looks dark, know that I AM with you, My angels surround you, and I AM faithful. I watch over My word to perform it. Stand fast and believe. Let joyful expectation be your mien.

Dance, beloved – as in your mourning you expect your morning, dance, for the dawn is coming. Worship as you wait, knowing I AM faithful. Knowing I AM good. Knowing I AM with you. And knowing I AM worthy. Give praise, and give it freely and without reserve. Bring forth your mourning dance that it might become your morning dance. Continue reading “Morning Dance”