Working in Unity

Ecclesiastes 4:9 (VOICE) Two are better than one because a good return comes when two work together.

Beloved, lay aside any pride that insists you “do it on your own,” and instead be open to partnering with those I connect you with. Then see the increased results of your labor.  

It is not weakness to join with others, nor is it an indication that you are lacking. I have created each of you with specific strengths and giftings, so play to each other’s strengths. Make room for each other’s giftings. Then celebrate the outcome working in unity brings. 

Run, Rest, Rely

Proverbs 18:10 (TPT) The character of God is a tower of strength, for the lovers of God delight to run into his heart and be exalted on high.

Beloved, I AM sovereign, and I AM strong. I AM YHVH Tsur – the Lord your strength, and YHVH Misgab – the Lord your Strong Tower. I AM unchanging – the alpha and omega, the same yesterday, today, and forever. Rest in Me.

My character is infallible. It creates a safe and stable foundation for you – a place you can rely on. Rest in Me. My name reflects My character, for I AM that I AM. Remember, beloved, run to Me, rest in Me, and rely on Me, for I AM wholly faithful and ever true.  Continue reading “Run, Rest, Rely”

Be Intentional in Unity

John 17:22 (VOICE) All the glory You have given to Me, I pass on to them. May that glory unify them and make them one as We are one,

Beloved, are you not one Body? Brought together for one purpose and one call? United in Me – for My Kingdom and My glory. Choose then what furthers that purpose. Choose then to be one in Me.

Be intentional in unity – intentional in harmony, intentional in humility, and intentional in grace. Be intentional in forgiveness, and intentional in understanding. But most of all be intentional in love, for therein lies harmony.

Fruit of Reconciliation

Proverbs 15:1 (NLT) A gentle answer deflects anger, but harsh words make tempers flare.

Beloved, you are called to love like Me and to live like Me. I AM slow to speak and slow to anger. I see the heart intentions behind words and actions and I respond accordingly. Refuse to allow your flesh to mandate your responses and instead with eyes of compassion look to the heart of things.

Respond rather than react in any situation. Be intentional and be like Me. Trust My Holy Spirit to empower you and give you the grace and wisdom you need regardless of circumstance. I AM your peace, so rest and trust in Me and refuse to be ensnared into a fleshly response. In your anger, sin not. Give grace and bear with one another in love and let the fruit of reconciliation come forth.

Intertwined Strength

Ecclesiastes 4:11 (AMP) Again, if two lie down together, then they keep warm; but how can one be warm alone?

Beloved, I have created you for multiplication. Though yes, you can accomplish much alone, I have made you for connection, and for the power that is found there. Resist the urge to to avoid it, it is worth the effort.

It is worth the frustration in moments of misunderstanding, and worth the character building that occurs when you must operate in grace and humility to create unity. Though it takes work – without a doubt, it truly is worth it.

So resist the temptation to protect your heart by holding others away, and choose instead to love as if you’ll never get hurt. Trust your heart to me, and choose to walk in love and experience intertwined strength. Continue reading “Intertwined Strength”

Flow in Unity

Ephesians 4:3 (VOICE) Make every effort to preserve the unity the Spirit has already created, with peace binding you together.

Beloved, flow in unity. Be intentional to choose unity, even when that means sacrificing your pride or your plans. Yield to My heart and My plans. Love your fellow believers and extend much grace to them, just as much grace has been extended to you.

For you to flow in harmony as one, you must walk in love. Resist the urge to judge. Trust My Spirit to guide and correct each of you. Bring your concerns to Me, and then leave them in My capable hands as you embrace your siblings in Christ with sincere, unfettered love.

Weapons of War / Implements of Peace

Joel 3:10 (VOICE) Hammer your sickles into swords. Forge your pruning shears into spears. For this final battle, even the weakling must say, ‘I am a warrior!’

Beloved, there is a time of peace and a time of war. Be sensitive to My Spirit to know the season and the times. And in each season, take the time to prepare whether you be reworking your plowshare into a sword or reverting your weapon of war to an implement of peace. 

Be prepared to build. Be prepared to tear down. Be prepared and flow in unity with My Spirit that you might also be in harmony with your brothers and sisters in Christ as we all move together as one, for together we are mighty. Continue reading “Weapons of War / Implements of Peace”

Stronger Together

1 Corinthians 12:12 (VOICE) Just as a body is one whole made up of many different parts, and all the different parts comprise the one body, so it is with the Anointed One.

Beloved, be one as I AM One. Whole, but unique. Individual, but connected. Separate, but the same. An eye can see much, but without the legs to take it places and the brain to process its vision, it is without greater purpose. In the same way, remember you are stronger and more effective together.

And in the same way an eye, an ear, and a nose process the same situation differently, understand that your unique perspective may seem foreign to some. So extend grace and patiently educate, helping others to understand what is different from them just as you should seek to do for things that are unusual to you.

Unstoppable Force

Ecclesiastes 4:12 (VOICE) And if one person is vulnerable to attack, two can drive the attacker away. As the saying goes, “A rope made of three strands is not quickly broken.”

Beloved, cherish My divine connections for you. Just as trees lock their roots together to strengthen one another against the storms that inevitably come, so you should interweave your life with those I have connected you with that you might strengthen one another’s faith, building one another up that you might withstand the trials that come your way.

Hold fast to each other with Me at the center. Bear with one another in love, and extend grace to each other in weaknesses. Strengthen and encourage one another. Refuse to mandate personal agendas, instead choosing to align with Me and in doing so aligning with each other in perfect harmony. Be an unstoppable force – a beautiful reflection of Me. Continue reading “Unstoppable Force”

Be a Fool For Me

1 Corinthians 12:7 (TPT) Each believer has received a gift that manifests the Spirit’s power and presence. That gift is given for the good of the whole community.

Beloved, allow My Spirit to empower you to operate in the supernatural. I have placed gifts within you for My glory, resist the urge to withhold them because of insecurity, doubt, or pride. Be a fool for Me. Withhold nothing. Allow My Spirit to flow like water over and through you.

Refuse to be sidetracked or derailed by comparisons or petty jealousy, I flow through each of you in a way that is unique and perfect for you. Yield to that flow, with no concerns of vanity or judgment of man, simply focus on releasing all I’ve empowered you to impart. Glorify Me. Continue reading “Be a Fool For Me”