Develop a Taste for Me 

1 John 2:15 (TLB) Stop loving this evil world and all that it offers you, for when you love these things you show that you do not really love God;

Beloved, don’t be taken in by the bright lights and sparkle of this world. It is all flash and glamour – an illusion, a spell intended to deceive you and make you believe there is something of substance there, of value, but there is not. Like trying to sustain life eating cotton candy, there is no true value there and it loses its appeal quickly in the face of true need.

You can develop a taste for anything. And doing so will mold your preferences. If you develop a taste for the things of this world, it is what you will crave. You may have even been raised to crave this world, but your tastes can change and you can change them intentionally.

My Word and My Kingdom were meant to sustain. They have true substance. I AM what your soul needs to be satisfied; anything else is just filler and an ineffective substitute. Develop a taste for Me.

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