Hebrews 1:7 (NET) And he says of the angels, “He makes his angels spirits and his ministers a flame of fire,”
Beloved, My angels still touch coal to lips. Be purified. You are forgiven, refined, and guilt cannot plague you anymore. Choose to be holy as I AM holy. Choose to be tried in the fire – yield to My process – less of you, more of Me. My refining flames burning away the dross leaving you purified, sparkling, and new. Burn with passion for Me.
There is no need to resist the flames, yield to Me and let Me bring forth beauty from the ashes that My glory might shine through. A broken, contrite spirit that seeks hard after Me is the most fragrant offering you can bring. That I will accept. That I will adore. You I cherish, beloved. Be My burning one, with a soul surrendered and a heart ignited for Me.
Isaiah 6:6-7 (VOICE) Then one of the flaming creatures flew to me holding a red-hot ember which it had taken from God’s table, the temple altar, with a pair of tongs. The creature held it to my lips. Flaming Creature: Look! With the touch of this burning ember on your lips, your guilt is turned away; All your faults and wrongdoings are forgiven.
Psalm 51:16-17 (TLB) You don’t want penance; if you did, how gladly I would do it! You aren’t interested in offerings burned before you on the altar. It is a broken spirit you want—remorse and penitence. A broken and a contrite heart, O God, you will not ignore.