Dry and Weary

The path felt so dry and weary. Day after day of battling old thought patterns, feelings of hopelessness, unbelief and grief over dead dreams. Pushing forward trying to dream again but failing to stir up joy, to fan the flame. Seeking the face of God and His comfort. Clinging to His truths while struggling to overcome the embedded lies.

 “Oh ye of little faith!” I cry in desperation longing for a steady faith instead of the fits and starts of the tiny flame in my heart that has been so dampened by the oppression of battle, of life. 

“Look back beloved,” My Father whispers in my ear. As I look back upon the path I trod I see the road with all it’s winding curves. I see the dead, dry, brown ground-the parched land. Then I see a river flowing under a setting sun-flowing down my winding path. A river that flows in wave after wave that pours down my path with fervor and passion. With it brings new life and fresh growth. Those fits and starts of faith, the intense struggle to grasp truth and never let go, to overcome the mountain of guilt, lies and shame brought the flow. It made a way for the river to go. It broke the ground for God’s spirit to bring life giving water to the dry and weary land.

“Look My beloved. Taste and see that I am good. I bring refreshing water to the dry and weary land. I bring fruitfulness out of the soil you have relentlessly toiled over. I am the One who gives you strength to complete the task. I bring truth. I bring the seed, the sun and the rain to make your garden grow. 

You are My beloved. You are My beloved. You are My beloved. Earnestly I take your hand and whisper to you by name, “Run the race I have marked out for you. Keep running. Keep persevering for I am with you. I hold your hand and keep you from falling as you keep your eyes fixed on Me. I strengthen you and fill you with joy. Keep pursuing Me and all that I am and all that I have for you. You are My beloved and My desire is for you.”

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