There is a godly expectancy that is joyous – filled with incredible expectation of the Father’s fulfillment of redemption, the weight of the world literally lifts as we encounter His Son. And in that moment, the heavy yoke we tend to carry is lifted and there is such a light, airy – almost weightless – sensation that makes us want to dance and worship with so much joy and thankfulness. His burdens are light as a feather. What great expectations!
Ironically, or perhaps not, our human expectancy is a different kind of expectation and in direct opposition. Somehow the expectation levels personally and/or professionally seem to rise up. We put expectations on ourselves – we load ourselves down and, admittedly, tend to develop expectations of what we feel others should be doing with or for us. We often feel crushed under the weight of these expectations.
Added to that weight are the expectations others’ project on us as well: coming to family gatherings, meeting deadlines, helping out, doing favors, hoping for an added little freebie, etc. – somehow, the light, easy, godly expectations have shifted to a whole host of human expectations. Like a frog in a pot of water where the temperature is slowly brought to a boil – the frog doesn’t realize he’s “cooked” because he’s slowly becoming acclimated to his situation, we too become slowly acclimated to the shift from godly expectations to human expectations until we’re loaded down and it’s “too late” like with the frog.
We must choose to be vigilant. Choose to rebuke the enemy’s sneaky “pot of water” tactics in slowly acclimating us to shift our expectations. We must resist his pull and command the enemy to cease and desist in the name of Jesus. It’s time to choose life rather than manipulation, fear, jealousy, insecurity, self-depreciation, people pleasing, greed, and entitlement. Choose godly expectation, and stay aligned with Father’s heart for us.
Thank You, Father, for Your angels who are given charge over us and war in the heavenlies for us. Thank You, Father, for a dam breaking to bring a new freedom: rushing and flooding these now empty, broken strongholds with peace, joy, courage, Godly boldness/boundaries, and strength from renewed faith. Father, we receive Your tender mercies and grace, and we choose to extend those same blessings of grace and mercy to those we come into contact with that affect us, directly or indirectly. May we not only forgive others, but also forgive ourselves, for forgiveness brings release and freedom.
Now may we walk restored and renewed with our focus on that godly expectation that brings us life and the needed pause to be able to handle the daily expectations we face – healthy ones and not so healthy ones. And may we walk with our hearts set on God in a season of expectation.