I saw the cross and behind me was the world and all its trouble. Jesus was hanging on that cross soaked in His own blood. I hugged the bloody cross. I clung to it.
It was my Refuge.
I reached up and touched the Lord’s bloody feet. When I did this it was like turning on a faucet of blood, for His blood began to pour over me. It soaked me. Soaked into my skin… into my very soul.
Healing, cleansing blood poured over me and saturated me. It cleansed every sin and disintegrated all sickness.
All my soul burdens were drawn out of me like a rushing river, His blood, the magnet pulling it all out.
Then He looked down at me from the cross… He looked into my eyes from the place of sacrifice and pain and spoke to me…
“MY peace I give to you. I do not give as the world gives. Do not let your heart be troubled and do not be afraid for HERE I have overcome the world.”
I looked at myself and I was suddenly covered in His shed blood from head to toe and I understood that I was covered in HIS VICTORY. His blood is my victory.
I understood that in order for me to win the battles of life, I had to keep my eyes on Him… on His blood, on His Gospel, on His power, on His face and on His eyes of blazing fire.