Trustworthy to Transform

“Grace Full Transformation” by Meghan Williams, Dyed4you art

I am trustworthy. I will not fail you. I am not fickle like man. I do not abandon you, or leave you without hope.  It is not in My nature. 

My child, look for Me at each step. Make every effort to seek Me. I am not far away from you – I’m closer than you think. It may not feel that way, but don’t go by your feelings, instead turn to the truth of who I am. 

You may wonder why must you go down this path. It’s often a hard journey, and the way is narrow. You may wonder why things can’t be easier. But as you walk it out, you are being transformed more and more into My character. You’re being made more like Me. I realize this can be challenging and that it requires deep trust. You must abandon your fears and continue to walk even when you can’t see the path ahead. But as you step out each time, you grow, and you become more and more like Me. You start to recognize My voice more quickly.  You learn not to rely on your feelings but to check things in your spirit man.  You exercise your spiritual senses more readily, especially when the way is dark. 

Yes, this can be stretching. Yes, at times the way seems impossible. But I always have a plan. It may look different than you thought, but remember your ways are not My ways. Your flesh may cry out and want to stop or appease itself or even withdraw, but I urge you not to do so. 

Growth comes when you are willing to let go and let the Spirit inside you have control. This process brings you closer and closer to Me; that is Holy Spirit’s job. Refuse to hinder that process and instead yield to the flow, making the transition from glory to glory. Where you need compassion, I give compassion. Where you need mercy, I give mercy. Whatever the need, I am ready and able to supply. Even when you don’t know that you need that spiritual tuneup, I know, and I meet your need.

Remember the process of a caterpillar becoming a butterfly. It is a painstaking process and not easy. But what a reward when you are given your wings and truly fly, when you display the glory I have placed within you so others can see My goodness as you walk out that transformation power!  Be a yielded vessel that is willing to be transformed by the Master’s hand. The first step is trusting Me because trusting Me makes the transformation possible. 

Proverbs 3:5-6 (CJB) Trust in Adonai with all your heart; do not rely on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him; then he will level your paths.

2 Corinthians 3:18 (CJB) So all of us, with faces unveiled, see as in a mirror the glory of the Lord; and we are being changed into his very image, from one degree of glory to the next, by Adonai the Spirit.

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