Choose to Be on My Side

Psalm 136:12-13 (VOICE) With fierce strength, a mighty hand, and an outstretched arm, for His faithful love lasts forever. To Him who split the Red Sea in two and made a path between the divided waters, for His faithful love lasts forever.

Beloved, for those who choose to be on My side, My faithfulness knows no bounds. So choose Me, and align with Me, and watch My steadfast love manifest. Listen for My voice – whether thunderous or whispered, and be yielding and obey. 

I AM the rock of strength for you to lean on, your firm foundation – the unchangeable One. Choose Me. And be steadfast in your choice. I AM the eternal One – the giver of life, embrace Me.

John 6:68 (AMP) Simon Peter answered, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You [alone] have the words of eternal life [you are our only hope].

Lunchtime Live: Choice 

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