I place my hand in His to begin this lifelong journey. This is just the beginning of allowing Jesus to love me. As He spoke these words, “You are worthy of love. You are worth loving,” He has awakened me with the sound of His voice, His words penetrating the depths of my heart and melting away the lies of fear and shame.
Who is this one? Look at her now! She arises out of her desert, clinging to her beloved. When I awakened you under the apple tree, as you were feasting upon me, I awakened your innermost being with the travail of birth as you longed for more of me. 6 Fasten me upon your heart as a seal of fire forevermore. This living, consuming flame will seal you as my prisoner of love. My passion is stronger than the chains of death and the grave, all consuming as the very flashes of fire from the burning heart of God. Place this fierce, unrelenting fire over your entire being. 7 Rivers of pain and persecution will never extinguish this flame. Endless floods will be unable to quench this raging fire that burns within you. Everything will be consumed. It will stop at nothing as you yield everything to this furious fire until it won’t even seem to you like a sacrifice anymore. Song of Songs 8:5-7 (TPT)
For so long the cry of my heart has been, “Jesus, I love you!” Then one day He gently whispered these words to my heart, “Allow Me to love you.” All this time I never thought about allowing Him to love me. I assumed, as long as I love Him, that’s all that matters.
In that moment, He showed me how I had not opened my heart to receive His love for me. But, why? I did not believe I was worth loving. I did not believe I deserved His love. I assumed it was enough for me to love on Him but did not allow Him to love on me.
The beauty of His words have awakened my heart. Each time He speaks of His love for me, I am completely overwhelmed and undone by how He could love me so much.
Sit. Be still. Breathe. Breathe deep. Rest. Receive.
[ “Let Me Love You” originally posted on Live Life Free, reposted in its entirety with permission.]