Favored One: An Appointed One for an Appointed Time

“Infinite Possibilities” by Meghan Williams of Dyed4you Art

During prayer time one day, God highlighted the name “Seth” to me, and below are revelations and the prophetic download I received as I pursued God’s heart. 

Genesis 5:3 (AMP) [emphasis mine] When Adam had lived a hundred and thirty years, he became the father of a son in his own likeness, according to his image, and named him Seth. 

The name of “Seth” can mean “appointed.” 

Definition of Appointed: to name or assign to a position, an office, or the like; designate: to appoint a new treasurer; to appoint a judge to the bench. to determine by authority or agreement; fix; set: to appoint a time for the meeting. (Definition found at Dictionary.com)

{vision} Saw a hand reaching down from heaven and the impression was from the verse Matthew 3:17 (AMP), “And behold, a voice from heaven said, ‘This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well-pleased and delighted!’”

2 Peter 1:17 (TPT) Yes, Father God lavished upon him radiant glory and honor when his distinct voice spoke out of the realm of majestic glory, endorsing him with these words: This is my cherished Son, marked by my love. All my delight is found in him!

Dear Favored One, for such a time as this, you have been selected. You were created before the foundations of the earth to fulfill My purpose. My purpose is this: to be loved by Me and take that love to others. That is it. You are My child, created in My image. I am Love, so, therefore, you are created to reflect that love, to be that love. In order to do that, you must receive My love. You are My child, My Favored One. 

So, come and crawl into My lap. I am your captive audience. I want to hear all you have to say. I want to see all that you have to show Me. Allow Me in. My desire is for you. I want to show you all My wonders. I want you to come create with Me. You were created by Me at this appointed time to be with Me. Only you can fulfill that space in My heart. Only you can partner with Me and create with Me the beautiful things that I have planned for us to do together. Only you! I love you, My child—My Favored One. I love you. {Sensing a tender, gentle voice soothing the pain and removing all doubts and unbelief, healing the broken heart and mind and removing weapons of wounding, replacing and transforming all misgivings and lies with truth and love.}

How Do I Hear God’s Voice?

“Peace Like a River” by Meghan Williams of Dyed4you Art

1 Kings 19:12 (NIV) After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper.

One of the questions I get asked the most is, “How do you know you’re hearing God and are in His will?”

I remember personally asking this question so often, and for some reason, nobody could truly answer it. Now I can say I’m so thankful for my own personal journey with Papa and the amazing people He brought into my life that have shown and taught me so much. Regardless of what you’re facing at the moment, allow me to reassure you that you will appreciate the experience later, no matter how painful and difficult it may be. God is using every single situation to teach us and grow us closer to Him.

Now, how do I know I hear God? Peace! That is the answer to everything. It’s really that simple. Unfortunately, as humans, we love to overcomplicate things. Simply put, we have to step out of our comfort zone and trust God to guide us and lead us on the path He’s called us to. When we have that thirsty desire to please God and do His will, we have to take chances. It’s OK to make mistakes, however, we’re also responsible to own up to them and not make excuses or try to defend our actions. Learning how to hear God does mean making mistakes.

A small whisper, a gut feeling, an unexplained knowing—all of this followed by peace is God speaking! Be confident in who you are in the Lord. Don’t listen to the enemy’s lies. He’s the father of lies but we are the righteousness of God through Christ. Refresh your memory with what your true identity is in the Lord. Know that you hear Him. Know that He lives in you and that He will never leave you or forsake you.

John 16:33(NIV) “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

[“How Do I Hear God’s Voice?” originally posted on Larisa-Chirila.com, reposted in its entirety with permission.]

The End from the Beginning

His Gift of Life by Meghan Williams of Dyed4you Art

During a season when a dear friend was in hospice care and I was in ongoing prayer for him, Father woke me up one night with these words, “I know your first breath and your last breath.” I immediately understood He was reminding me that I didn’t need to fear because He was in control. And even more, I sensed He was reminding me that death wasn’t the last step, for He has won the victory over the grave. He guides us along life’s path. I sensed Him assuring me that He knows the beginning from the end and that the knowledge of that should fill me with comfort. As I continued to press into what I was sensing, the following word came forth. Continue reading “The End from the Beginning”

Let Me Love You

“Abundant Fruit” by Meghan Williams of Dyed4you Art

I place my hand in His to begin this lifelong journey. This is just the beginning of allowing Jesus to love me. As He spoke these words, “You are worthy of love. You are worth loving,” He has awakened me with the sound of His voice, His words penetrating the depths of my heart and melting away the lies of fear and shame.

Who is this one? Look at her now! She arises out of her desert, clinging to her beloved. When I awakened you under the apple tree, as you were feasting upon me, I awakened your innermost being with the travail of birth as you longed for more of me. 6 Fasten me upon your heart as a seal of fire forevermore. This living, consuming flame will seal you as my prisoner of love. My passion is stronger than the chains of death and the grave, all consuming as the very flashes of fire from the burning heart of God. Place this fierce, unrelenting fire over your entire being. 7 Rivers of pain and persecution will never extinguish this flame. Endless floods will be unable to quench this raging fire that burns within you. Everything will be consumed. It will stop at nothing as you yield everything to this furious fire until it won’t even seem to you like a sacrifice anymore. Song of Songs 8:5-7 (TPT)

For so long the cry of my heart has been, “Jesus, I love you!” Then one day He gently whispered these words to my heart, “Allow Me to love you.” All this time I never thought about allowing Him to love me. I assumed, as long as I love Him, that’s all that matters.

In that moment, He showed me how I had not opened my heart to receive His love for me. But, why? I did not believe I was worth loving. I did not believe I deserved His love. I assumed it was enough for me to love on Him but did not allow Him to love on me.

The beauty of His words have awakened my heart. Each time He speaks of His love for me, I am completely overwhelmed and undone by how He could love me so much.

Sit. Be still. Breathe. Breathe deep. Rest. Receive.

[ “Let Me Love You” originally posted on Live Life Free, reposted in its entirety with permission.]

Time is at Hand

Faithful and True by Meghan Williams of Dyed4you Art

Listen closely, and know time is at hand. Spend your time on things that are of eternal value. Live in-filled with My Holy Spirit. Stay sober-minded and alert. Remember the time you spend with Me counts for eternity, so be aware of how much time you are giving to Me. Spend your time focusing on the essence of who I am. Stir up your faith by reminding yourself that with Me the impossible is possible.  My timing may be different from time as you perceive it, but choose to trust Me and focus on Me. As you do, you’ll see My hand at work and be reminded I work all things for My glory and for the good of the Kingdom.   Continue reading “Time is at Hand”

Be Renewed, Be Transformed

Transformed by the Spirit by Meghan Williams of Dyed4you Art

2 Corinthians 5:17 (AMP) Therefore if anyone is in Christ [that is, grafted in, joined to Him by faith in Him as Savior], he is a new creature [reborn and renewed by the Holy Spirit]; the old things [the previous moral and spiritual condition] have passed away. Behold, new things have come [because spiritual awakening brings a new life].

All of what you were and all you are matter. Refuse shame. God has washed your sins away and every one of your experiences God will use for His glory. Your sins are gone! Receive His forgiveness, grace, and love. You are His beloved. He sent His son, Jesus, to die and live again for you that you may be whole, complete, and fulfilled in Him. Continue reading “Be Renewed, Be Transformed”

Loving Yourself

Invitation to Love (no text version) by Meghan Williams of Dyed4you Art 

Beloved, what I have made is good, and you are included in that creation. It is essential that you both accept and love yourself. Accept yourself as being beautiful. Accept yourself as being worth loving. Accept yourself as you are. Refuse to give conditional love to yourself. Rather overflow with unconditional love knowing that you are a work in progress, and, as you yield to My Spirit, further progress and beauty will take place. Give space for the process. Continue reading “Loving Yourself”

Transforming Trust Mode

My grace is sufficient in every situation – small or great, it sustains you. Be content in leaning towards My sufficiency. My grace empowers you to switch into “Trust Mode”. Trust Mode is a state of complete assurance in who I am – placing your heart in My hands and trusting Me fully regardless of the outcome. Let Me be in control and be your firm foundation.  Continue reading “Transforming Trust Mode”

Look to the Problem-Solver

Embrace Gratitude by Meghan Williams of Dyed4you Art

When all hell slams into your life, it’s natural to want to stare into that storm and try to figure things out… don’t. Do not look at the storm. The storm doesn’t have your answer, only your destruction. The storm has a way of sucking you in and pulling you under the moment you put your focus on it. Peter tried walking through the storm. When he kept his eyes on Jesus, he walked on water. When he looked at the storm, he sank. Do not stare at the storm. Don’t look at the problem. Look at the Problem-solver. Stare into the fiery eyes of the One who can calm that storm with one word. Yes, with one word. With Him all things are possible. He’s not afraid. He laughs at the storm. Laugh with Him.  Continue reading “Look to the Problem-Solver”