Identity Rooted in Truth

1 Corinthians 13:4-8 (TPT) …Love does not…selfishly seek its own honor…

Beloved, you do not need to seek recognition for yourself nor strive to convince others of your value, either they will get it or not and neither is a reflection on your true value, but rather a commentary on their perception.

Who you are is rooted in truth and unchangeable, not subject to the fickle feelings of man. I AM the one who has designed you and created you for a purpose. I see every action you take, nothing is below My notice. I see and I recognize even when no one else seems to, and in the end I AM all that matters. Seek My pleasure and trust My perception. Continue reading “Identity Rooted in Truth”

Be a Living, Breathing Testimony

Colossians 1:10 (VOICE) May their lives be a credit to You, Lord; and what’s more, may they continue to delight You by doing every good work and growing in the true knowledge that comes from being close to You.

Beloved, draw near. Come close and abide. Fix your heart on Me and hold Me close, meditate on My word – delight in Me. Make Me your filter, see everything through Me and My heart. Refuse to experience the world simply through the reactions of your flesh or be slave to your fickle emotions, but rather be firmly rooted in Me.

May your life be a testament to Me. You are a child of the day. Shine, beloved, reflect the Son. May the peace in your heart be the evidence of your time dwelling in My presence. Let My joy pour forth and infiltrate everything you do. Bear fruit. Give evidence of your relationship with Me. Be a living, breathing testimony.

Walk in Your True Identity

1 Corinthians 13:12 (TPT) For now we see but a faint reflection of riddles and mysteries as though reflected in a mirror, but one day we will see face-to-face. My understanding is incomplete now, but one day I will understand everything, just as everything about me has been fully understood.

Beloved, I see you and know you. I have accepted you – you are My very own. I see you rightly – the true you. How I created you. Allow My vision of you to shape your own. For your own understanding is flawed and incomplete, but Mine is perfect – seeing through every intention and failing to the way you were created.

I have called you by name. Respond not just with acceptance but fervor, for I speak truth over you, beloved, and I would have you know it and allow it to transform you into that which you have been called to be. Walk in the fullness of your true identity.

Be an Influence for Good

1 Peter 1:24 (NLT) As the Scriptures say, “People are like grass; their beauty is like a flower in the field. The grass withers and the flower fades.

Beloved, be mindful that your time on this earth is limited. Be intentional about your use of it. Refuse to squander it as well as the compulsion to work without rest. Seek My wisdom on both your call and the little day-to-day details of your life, for everything that pertains to you is important to Me – both big and small.

Though each human life may be as a vapor or a wisp, the impact of each has the capability of great influence – both for good and for evil. Choose this day how you will live and the influence you would have. Exercise wisdom by knowing My Word and walking in My ways. Be an influence for good, beloved, and leave a mark on this world – one that points to Me.

Your Piece in My Intentional Design

1 Corinthians 12:18 (GW) So God put each and every part of the body together as he wanted it.

Beloved, no detail escapes My notice. I AM intricate with My design. Each gifting given with intention. Each calling bestowed with purpose. What I have planned for you is not too big or too small, nor does it matter how it compares to anyone else’s. Each piece is vital. Every person important. The primary aim being each person’s heart and obedience to Me, and secondarily their love for each other.

Gifts are given for the purpose of expanding the Kingdom. Their purpose corporate not for the building up of the one who possesses it. Refuse to allow pride. Resist the temptation to judge with human eyes remembering I AM one who leaves the 99 to chase the one.

Each detail – each gift – is important because I have designed each one with a purpose. If you reach hundreds through your flesh, but miss the one I created you to reach because you judged with human eyes rather than yielding to My plan, you will not have succeeded. Be intentional about fulfilling your part of the greater plan – My plan. The full picture of the puzzle is only complete when every piece – regardless of size – has come into place.

So let go of any expectations, refuse to allow human judgments to encourage or discourage, and simply be intentional about yielding to Me and My plans. They are good. They are intentional. And you and your piece are key.

I AM at Work in You

Philippians 1:6 (VOICE) I am confident that the Creator, who has begun such a great work among you, will not stop in mid-design but will keep perfecting you…

Beloved, trust that I AM at work in you. I never lose Heart or patience with you. I see you for who you truly are and I understand all the intricacies of your heart. You have nothing to fear from Me. I won’t tire of you or give up on you, nor am I simply tolerating you. You are My beloved, the apple of My eye and center of My world.

I love you, beloved, and I know what you are capable of because I made you. Trust Me and My leadings as I grow and stretch you into the fullness of all you are called to and all you are able to be. In that place you will find true fulfillment, along with much joy and encouragement along the journey.

Silk: My Carrier of Peace

The name of this silk is My Carrier of Peace (also read the testimony about this silk Peace Breakthrough). The colors in it are:

  • Sky blue representing open heaven and rain
  • Electric blue representing intensity
  • Brandy representing rich life coming forth from the dry places
  • Black representing Shadow of the Almighty and hovering of Holy Spirit
  • Silver representing armor of God and righteousness
  • Pearl representing angelic presence and divine light

Continue reading “Silk: My Carrier of Peace”

Be Fruitful and Multiply

Isaiah 53:2 (NLT) My servant grew up in the Lord’s presence like a tender green shoot, like a root in dry ground. There was nothing beautiful or majestic about his appearance, nothing to attract us to him.

Beloved, like My Son, grow in My presence. Like a tender shoot, I will protect you from the elements and nurture you to your full potential. For I see you even now as a grown tree – full and lush, bearing much fruit – the capacity for life within you is great, be mindful to cultivate that growth, to nourish it with My word, water it with My Spirit, and fortify it with My presence.

For the life within you is greater than just yourself. Allow it to multiply and bring forth increase. Be fruitful and multiply. Refuse to allow yourself to become dry and withered. Find the time – indeed make the time – do whatever it takes to carry what I AM bringing forth through you to full term. Behold I AM doing a new thing, will you not know it? [Sensing Him smiling as He asks because He already knows you will say yes – a thousand times yes]

Who I Give Honor to is Honored

Proverbs 16:31 (GW) Silver hair is a beautiful crown found in a righteous life.

Beloved, embrace the sign of wisdom and experience. It is a crown of honor. Even in moments when others refuse to give honor or bring dishonor (either in ignorance or intentionally), it does not change the fact that I honor the wisdom that comes through years spent with Me. If others choose not to align, that is an indicator of their own state, not yours. For who I give honor to is honored.

{praying} Sensing a prayer over the elders that they would have grace and patience with the younger generation – as they rush about often barely pausing to breathe and who too often in arrogance refuse wise counsel – continue to gently persist in giving it, speaking words of truth and life. As you echo the Voice of heaven and His heart, your words and actions have impact whether you get to see that impact or not. Trust it is there, and continue in obedience reflecting His heart. For it is vital to the body of Christ. Your role is vital. You are a blessing. Thank you.

Walk in Purity of Heart, Mind, and Spirit

1 Peter 1:15 (VOICE) Since the One who called you is holy, be holy in all you do.

Beloved, it’s time to step up to a new level. Things that were permissible in the old season must be released for you to move forward into all I’ve called you to. It’s time to let go or be dragged behind and miss My perfect will. Be holy, beloved, for I AM holy. Check your heart, your mind, and your deeds to make certain they are rightly aligned with Me. You know My voice.

Choose that which is best, not that which is acceptable. My love for you is unconditional, but the fulfillment you will experience from walking in the calling I have for you far surpasses the temporary “pleasures” of that which seeks to waylay you. Be holy, beloved. Allow the refining of My Spirit to do its work. Walk in purity of heart, mind, and spirit.