“Dance with Me” by Meghan Williams of Dyed4you Art
{dream} I was dancing in the arms of my Beloved. There was such joy and peace as we swayed back and forth to the music and focused on our love for one another. At some point, the thought came to me that, in real life, I didn’t know how to slow dance.
Suddenly, that concern about not being able to dance caused my feet to stumble as we danced. My feet felt like they were getting all tangled. And yet, the Beloved kept leading us in the dance as if nothing were wrong! I didn’t stumble or fall over, and our dance seemed as beautiful as before. So I just focused on the music and our love for one another.
Now and then, my thoughts would slip, and I would worry about my steps and stumble. But as soon as I remembered where my focus should be, my feet righted themselves. Eventually, I realized my steps didn’t matter, and that worrying about them only detracted from enjoying the dance with my Beloved.
In a dream, I saw Jesus Christ standing as a DOOR between two stone walls set in the clouds of heaven. He wore a robe of many colors. This robe was shining with glory and majesty. His arms were spread from one wall to the other. Then like a door on a hinge, Jesus Christ literally swung open. Then the Holy Spirit spoke these words, “What I open, NO man can shut!”
“And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write: ‘The words of the Holy One, the True One, who has the Key of David, who opens and no one will shut, who shuts and no one opens.” (Revelation 3:7)
Jesus says of Himself in John 10:9, “I AM the Door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture. The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.”
If God opens a Door for you and says YES, who can shut that Door? No one! JESUS is that Door! NO ONE can shut that door. If God gave you a “YES”, take hold of it by faith, run with it and be free.
In a dream, I saw a tsunami coming from afar. It was a monstrous wall of water that would bring devastation. The sight of it was dreadful. As it approached, fear increased, and I anticipated the blow with anxiety and uncertainty. But when it came upon me I was suddenly filled with the Holy Spirit. And instead of the massive wave overtaking me, I lept up on it and ran up it walking on water.Continue reading “The Tsunami”
Webster’s defines “shame” as a “feeling of guilt, regret, or sadness that you have because you know you have done something wrong.” It is also “the ability to feel guilt, regret, or embarrassment, dishonor or disgrace.” Shame can become so familiar, almost like an old friend. You know that old friend who your mom told you wasn’t a good influence but you didn’t listen. You look at that old friend and memories of a different time and a different you start to surface. It’s the “before Christ” you, and it isn’t pretty. All of the sudden you are haunted by the shame of your past and it’s crippling. At some point, we have all wrestled with shame. Even the most mature believer can fall prey to shame. I know because it recently happened to me.Continue reading “Removing the Root of Shame”
I had this dream a few years ago before the phrase “Daughter Of The King” meant anything to me. I felt the phrase was a cliche and it annoyed me (needless to say I had identity issues)… until I had this dream in the middle of a 15 day water-only fast. I was under the most intense spiritual attack of my life by a spirit of fear/torment. I had forgotten who I truly was in Christ. Continue reading “You’re the Daughter of the King!”
{vision} I saw a sign on a road showing that the speed limit was 55. There was a blurred line through the middle of the 55, and I knew there were words printed there.
I saw this vision just before I opened my eyes one recent morning. I sensed this was a “sign” for the spiritual speed limit for my day. Immediately, I knew the “55” represented a multiplication of grace. I also recognized the words that I couldn’t read symbolized a “word” that God had for me through this vision. This word would bring clarity to a repeated message He had been speaking in the Spirit: “Slow down.”Continue reading “Moving at the Speed of Grace”
20 years ago I saw Jesus face to face. His eyes were orange and yellow fire…I was drawn to gaze into the intense flames in His eyes. Gazing intimately into the eyes of Jesus is the place of deliverance and peace. Continue reading “Eyes of Fire”
I saw the cross and behind me was the world and all its trouble. Jesus was hanging on that cross soaked in His own blood. I hugged the bloody cross. I clung to it.Continue reading “Blood-Bought Victory”
In a dream (2000), I saw a door. The door opened. My Dad walked out and approached me (My dad passed away in 2006). He informed me that someone wanted to see me. That’s all he said. I knew who wanted to see me. I knew it was Jesus and that He was on the other side of that door.Continue reading “Come to the Table”
A little over 2 years ago I was in a TERRIBLE spiritual storm. Attacks from people and demons, betrayal, rejection and sickness on every side. I was fearful, anxious and stressed.Continue reading “I Am Here”