Yield to My Sanctification 

John 17:17 (AMP) Sanctify them in the truth [set them apart for Your purposes, make them holy]; Your word is truth.

Beloved, allow yourself to decrease that I might increase within you. Yield to My refining process. Let Me burn away the dross leaving you brilliant and sparkling that you may shine blindingly brightly. This is My sanctifying process. The process by which you become more like Me – more radiant – that your countenance might glow from My glory. Waves of glory!

I have new levels for you. Shifting the atmosphere and opening up heaven to draw you in closer still to Me. Allow Me to gently change you into the fullness of all I’ve called you to be. Give the process the time it needs, the journey itself is a blessing and rushing the process only causes you to miss points along the way so yield to both My process and My pace. I will increase My blessings upon you. Receive it, beloved.  Continue reading “Yield to My Sanctification “

Operate in Love and Be Unoffendable

Philippians 1:9 (TLV) Now this I pray, that your love might overflow still more and more in knowledge and depth of discernment,

Beloved, as you operate in love I will open your eyes and show you things you otherwise wouldn’t see. There are things you can only discern when you’re filtering through a loving gaze. Operate in love and be unoffendable. Extend much grace. Be rich in mercy. Stifle pride and your “right” to respond a particular way, and instead be like Me.

Refuse to be the wicked servant, holding a debt over someone’s head that you yourself have been forgiven. Be like Me. Respond like Me. Be patient and long suffering. Let your love continually increase. Let your heart grow more and more like Mine. Let My love be shed abroad in your heart and may it increase your discernment exponentially.  Continue reading “Operate in Love and Be Unoffendable”

Bridle Your Tongue and Love Like Me

James 1:19 (VOICE) Listen, open your ears, harness your desire to speak, and don’t get worked up into a rage so easily, my brothers and sisters.

Beloved, be intentional to bridle your tongue. Resist the urge to vent your frustrations and instead cultivate peace so the frustration won’t come as easily. Like a muscle that can be trained and strengthened, you can increase your ability to hold onto your inner peace. Press into My Spirit. Allow Me to bring you shalom – the peace that wars against chaos – in every circumstance.  What you feed will grow. Will you feed the frustration or feed the peace?

Listen, beloved. Hear beyond people’s hurts and pride. Hear what is underneath them. Listen with My ears and hear with My heart. See the wounds and brokenness that cause the behavior. Be moved with compassion. Pray for them. Demonstrate My love instead of reacting to offense. Choose to love like Me, and walk in peace and unshakable joy. Continue reading “Bridle Your Tongue and Love Like Me”

Be My Love with Skin On

Note: in scripture, things were often repeated for emphasis in the same way we bold or italicize things now. So when God chooses to repeat something, He’s saying, “This is important.” With that said, I smiled when He launched into a second day on this scripture. 🙂

Galatians 5:22 (AMP) But the fruit of the Spirit [the result of His presence within us] is…patience [not the ability to wait, but how we act while waiting]…

Beloved, it is never worth wounding someone’s heart over your schedule, your “rights”, or your pride. No matter how pressed for time you may feel, the people I place around you are there by design. They are opportunities to be My love. The frazzled checkout clerk who has been swamped all day may desperately need your smile rather than yet another frustrated customer who is short with them.

You may never know what’s going on behind the scenes. You may never know what fruit your actions bring, but I do. I see when your moment of kindness tilts the balance in that person’s life so they choose life for one more day rather than giving up. You may not know the full impact your actions have, but that doesn’t mean your actions aren’t having impact.

So choose to kill your flesh. Cultivate patience. Respond in love even when the world would say you have a “right” to be affronted. Be My love with skin on. Bear fruit and bear it abundantly.

A Hearing Heart of Wisdom and Humility

1 Kings 3:9 (JUB) Give, therefore, thy slave a hearing heart to judge thy people that I may discern between good and evil, for who is able to govern this thy so great a people?

Beloved, like Solomon, desire wisdom. Wisdom to know Me more and to better understand My will and My ways. Wisdom to have a hearing heart – one that knows well My voice. Wisdom to see the ploys of the enemy and be able to thwart them and (when asked) counsel others on how to do the same. Beloved, wisdom is a precious jewel, more valuable than silver and gold, seek it – seek Me.

With wisdom must come humility. Remember the Source of your wisdom and it will be easier to resist the temptation to get puffed up. In humility and wisdom, walk in My ways and share My truths. Be light and salt, by your very life challenging those around you to reject compromise and seek Me with their whole hearts. So ask Me for wisdom, beloved. It will not be denied.

Bring Hope

John 3:17 (TLB) God did not send his Son into the world to condemn it, but to save it.

Beloved, too often My children rejoice in judgment; self-congratulating as they take note the areas they have “right” and highlighting the struggles and sins of others. That does not reflect My heart. I cannot rejoice at progress made in My child’s life if it’s intentionally contrasted to the downfalls of another. I want that not one might be lost.

Find ways to rejoice in your victories without comparison, for comparison isn’t how I measure. This is a good thing for all have sinned and fallen short but One.

So be intentional to bring hope. Say “because I have done this you can too!” Offer encouragement, prayer, and gentle counsel when it is sought. Love like Me. Be known for the love you exude. Shower those around you with hope. Believe the best. See the best. Encourage. Reflect My heart.

Nurture Your Inner Man

Proverbs 31:30 (AMPC) Charm and grace are deceptive, and beauty is vain [because it is not lasting], but a woman who reverently and worshipfully fears the Lord, she shall be praised!

Beloved, do not be sucked in by vanity, ever chasing fickle trends and the approval of man. Allow the radiance of your countenance to shine, and the soft glow of My presence resting on you to bring forth beauty.

May your heart’s focus be on Me, not on the cares of this world – though yes, it is right to take care of your outer body and belongings, that should not take precedent over nurturing your inner man in relationship with Me.

So worship Me without reserve. Gaze on My face with reverential awe. Listen keenly for My voice. Rejoice in the wonder of My presence. Be made whole. Be made beautiful.

Be Naked and Unashamed 

James 5:16a (AMP) Therefore, confess your sins to one another [your false steps, your offenses], and pray for one another, that you may be healed and restored.

Beloved, do not let pride or shame or fear of judgement keep you from confessing your sins. The enemy desires to keep you in bondage to them, wrapping you tightly in feelings of guilt and shame because he knows your confession will usher in freedom for you and he wants to keep you from it. Don’t let him.

Be naked and unashamed, willing to be transparent and vulnerable with your siblings in Christ. Trust that I will protect your heart, and trust that I will move in theirs as they respond to you and pray for you. Allow the fullness of your healing to come. Be restored and fully transformed. Be free.

Love Like Me

Galatians 5:22-23 (AMP) But the fruit of the Spirit [the result of His presence within us] is love [unselfish concern for others]…

Beloved, to be like Me you must walk in love; thinking of others’ needs above your own and considering their interests and feelings. Bear with them in love. Take the high road, walking in humility even in moments when your flesh is screaming. Love.

I’m not asking you to let others use or abuse you; there are moments to stand fast, but there are moments to yield even when your flesh cries to be defensive or offended, but instead you walk like Me: in love. In understanding. In humility. I AM with you. I will strengthen you. Be known for your love.

Ephesians 4:2 (VOICE) Be humble. Be gentle. Be patient. Tolerate one another in an atmosphere thick with love.