Eager Anticipation

Revelation 22:20 (VOICE) The One who testifies to these realities makes this promise: The Anointed One: Yes. I am coming soon. To which we say, “Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.”

Beloved, I AM coming. Allow the quickening in your heart to stir. Allow the eager anticipation to build. The Bridegroom is returning for His bride. Coming and coming quickly. 

Resist the urge to be troubled by the hardships that will come, and instead fix your heart on the joyous culmination that is on its way. Drink deeply of the intimacy we have here and now, even as you anticipated the increase that is coming. 

Be in Place

Isaiah 34:16 (VOICE) You can look for it and read all about it in the book of the Eternal One. None of these creatures will be missing and none will lack a mate Because His voice has given the order and His Spirit has gathered them in that place.

Beloved, I AM gathering My children to Myself. Calling you in from the east and the west, the north and the south – bringing you closer still to Me. Come, beloved. Pay heed to the call. Be mindful of the times and the seasons, for My children know – yes they know, as the time draws near. 

My Spirit is leading – will you not listen? Refuse to be caught lacking – like the foolish virgins without enough oil (Matthew 25), or out of place – like the wedding guests who refused to come (Matthew 22). Rather be perfectly aligned with Me. My sheep know My voice – YOU know My voice – follow it, beloved, and be in place.

Passionate Awakening

Song of Solomon 8:4 (VOICE) …Heed my warning: I charge you not to excite your love until it is ready. Don’t stir a fire in your heart too soon, until it is ready to be satisfied.

Be patient, beloved, and trust My timing. Resist the urge to be impatient or to move ahead of My plans. Everything must be in its season. You cannot rush a fruit to ripen, nor speed the growth of a child through nagging, so resist the urge to try.

Wait upon Me. Surrender to My cadence. Stay in step. Allow your longing to grow to full maturation without it edging into frustration or agitation. Enjoy the blooming season, and embrace the passionate awakening wholeheartedly in its time.

My Power is Ready and Available

Mark 16:18 (TPT) They will be supernaturally protected from snakes and from drinking anything poisonous.  And they will lay hands on the sick and heal them.”

Beloved, be My hands and feet. As My Spirit prompts you, move. Trust that My power is ready and available when you’re operating in My will. Not in your own strength, but in Mine. For I AM able. 

You have nothing to fear as you live submitted to Me, for I AM with you and moving in every circumstance. I AM good and I AM able, so make ready. A move of My Kingdom is afoot.  Continue reading “My Power is Ready and Available”

Make the Time

Psalm 27:4 (AMP) One thing I have asked of the Lord, and that I will seek: That I may dwell in the house of the Lord [in His presence] all the days of my life, To gaze upon the beauty [the delightful loveliness and majestic grandeur] of the Lord And to meditate in His temple.

Beloved, bask in My presence. Dwell in My beauty. Make time and sit with Me. Be intentional to learn the truth of who I AM that you might be unshakable in your understanding of My character. To do that, you must take the time with Me. Just as you make time for those you love in the natural, make time for Me. 

When you’re with a dear friend, you don’t instruct them they need to be “more exciting” or you’ll go spend time with someone else. Instead you spend hours simply being together, and you find priceless moments in the quantity of time spent. So it is with Me, beloved. So it is with Me, so make the time.

Dwell in My Beauty

Psalm 27:4 (VOICE) I am pleading with the Eternal for this one thing, my soul’s desire: To live with Him all of my days— in the shadow of His temple, To behold His beauty and ponder His ways in the company of His people.

Beloved, embrace the sweet privilege of unhindered access to Me. In the same way that you would deeply feel the honor of being invited to spend time with a president or king, even more so with the King of Kings. 

Resist the urge to allow the familiarity of unfettered access to breed a devaluing of the gift you’ve been given of intimate relationship with Me. Magnify Me. See Me as I AM. Sit in awe at the depth of love and favor I’ve bestowed upon you. Dwell in My beauty, beloved, and embrace the gift you’ve been given. 

Lunchtime Live: Pressing in for More

Lavish Blessings

Isaiah 40:31 (AMP) But those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] Will gain new strength and renew their power…

Beloved, as you tarry with Me, I will refresh and renew – I will sooth you with balm and heal your heart. I will strengthen and encourage you. I will build you up and empower you. 

Waiting on Me is no passive activity, much happens and much is accomplished even as you “waste” your time on Me. So pour it out and watch as I pour back – pressed down, shaken together, and overflowing, for I AM a loving Father and I lavish blessings upon My children. Have eyes to see.  Continue reading “Lavish Blessings”

Tarry with Me

Isaiah 40:31 (AMP) But those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him]…

Beloved, wait on Me. No time is wasted when it is spent in My presence. So “waste” your life on Me. Yield your heart, your thoughts, your dreams. Sit in My presence. Open your heart wide. And wait. 

Trust that I will meet you there. Know that I am lavishing you with My love and attention. Know that each moment with you is precious to Me, for you are My beloved and it pleases Me beyond measure when you choose to tarry with Me.  Continue reading “Tarry with Me”

Pursue Humility with Diligence

1 Peter 5:6 (CSB) Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, so that he may exalt you at the proper time,

Beloved, refuse to be concerned or dismayed in humbling seasons knowing I AM the one who lifts men up and makes men great. Glory and honor come from Me alone. So be not troubled in moments you feel overlooked, undervalued, or unseen – for I see you and am holding My hand over you to cover you. But beloved, in due season…

So pursue humility with diligence, allowing it to grow and refine you. Wear it like a mantle and be known for your selfless support of others. Love like I love – steadfastly believing the best – and continually align your vision with Mine. Trust that I AM at work and bringing things together for good. And trust that I know the perfect moment to make you shine.


Psalm 24:10 (AMP) Who is [He then] this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, He is the King of glory [who rules over all creation with His heavenly armies]. Selah.

Beloved, pause. Stop and reflect, truly take moment and ponder who I AM. Ponder My glory, the works of My hands, My character and identity. It’s far too easy to get caught up in the rhetoric and lose sight of who I truly am. I AM more than simply words regurgitated by well-meaning people who get so busy saying the “right” things they’ve missed the point: relationship with Me.

So pause. Make room for Me to speak, make room for Me to love you, and make room for all I share and teach you to penetrate. Meditate on Me – on My words, both rhema and logos (whispered in your ear and written in My word). Slow down. Refuse to be tempted to rush this journey. Some things cannot be hurried. So pause. Ponder Me, beloved. Selah.