- Testimony: “Stunningly beautiful” tassel tallit 😊 and “Stellar” bendie wings
- Prophetic Nugget (Daily Downloads from Heaven): Persist in Faith
- Dyed4you Art: Walk of Faith
- Dyed4you silk: Regular bendie shields🛡called Covenant of Trust (on Etsy) and Walk of Faith/Adonai Elohim (Lord God) giftset (on Etsy)
- Other stuff: MeghanW post called “True to His Word (Numbers 23:19)”
Lunchtime Live: Knowing God as Faithful
- Testimony: Jehovah Sneaky – Rainbow Baby Mamas and their tallits & bendie wings for a 6 year old
- Prophetic Nugget (Daily Downloads from Heaven): Look for My Fingerprints
- Dyed4you Art: Elohim Aman (Faithful God) from the Names of God Dyed4you Art flag line
- Dyed4you Readymade: Names of God Dyed4you Art flags (on Etsy)
- Other stuff: MeghanW posts called “God is Faithful (Even When We Are Not)”, “Expectation of Good (Hebrews 11:6)”, and “Expect Imperfection”
Lunchtime Live: He is the King of Glory
- Testimony: “stunningly beautiful” streamer veil and “tremendous blessing” swing wing
- Prophetic Nugget (Daily Downloads from Heaven): Eternal One
- Dyed4you Art: Fire of His Presence
- Dyed4you silk: Steadfast Covenant large handled bendie wings (on Etsy) and Fiery King of Glory [mismatched pair] (on Etsy)
- Other stuff: MeghanW post called “God’s Radiant Countenance (Numbers 6)”
Lunchtime Live: God’s Heart of Mercy
- Show and tell: El Roi (the God who sees) Names of God Dyed4you Art flag
- Testimony: “complete confirmation” tallit and overwhelming birthday blessings
- Prophetic Nugget (Daily Downloads from Heaven): My Heart of Mercy
- Dyed4you Art: Reign (Rain) of Compassion [multi-art set]
- Dyed4you Readymade: Mercy Reigns (Rains) Dyed4you Art flags (on Etsy) and Apple of His Eye Crinkle Silk (on Etsy)
- Other stuff: MeghanW post called “Expect Imperfection”
Lunchtime Live: Expect the Rain
- Announcements: Daily Downloads from Heaven, Volume 2 hard covers are available!
- Testimony: beaded tallit “one of the best gifts” testimony & “spot on” tallit gifter
- Prophetic Nugget (Daily Downloads from Heaven): Expect the Rain
- Dyed4you Art: Prepare for Rain
- Dyed4you silk: Dyed4you Art printcard giftset featuring “Whisper His Name” and a gift silk called “Relentless in Batlle” (on Etsy)
- Other stuff: MeghanW post called “Are you willing and are you ready?” and Dyed4you Ministries post “Rain (1 Kings 18:41-46)”
Lunchtime Live: God’s Transformative Power
- Show and tell: Transformed painted tallit – (bendie flags on Etsy) and two recent tallits
- Testimony: Introducing: Transformed by the Spirit (Powerful Ministry and Confirmation)
- Prophetic Nugget (Daily Downloads from Heaven): Rest in a Place of Awe and Love
- Dyed4you Art: Transformed by the Spirit
- Dyed4you Readymade: Transformation Dyed4you Art flag (on Etsy) and Transformation Dyed4you Art tallit (on Etsy)
- Dyed4you silk: 8×10/gift silk gift set with Open Gateway and a Dyed4you silk called Shekinah Glory (on Etsy)
- Other stuff: MeghanW post called “Mikvah (Spiritual Cleansing)”
Continue reading “Lunchtime Live: God’s Transformative Power”
Lunchtime Live: Accepting Yourself
- Show and tell: Jehovah Sneaky tallit for me LOL (a twin is available though not on Etsy yet)
- Announcement: Daily Downloads from Heaven volume 2 – available on Amazon (paperback | ebook)
- Prophetic Nugget (Daily Downloads from Heaven): Worth Cosseting
- Dyed4you Art: Invitation to Love
- Dyed4you silk: Transformed painted bendie flags (on Etsy)
- Other stuff: Dyed4you Ministries post called “Loving Yourself”
Lunchtime Live: Lifestyle of Prayer
- Announcement: *Surprise early release* Daily Downloads from Heaven, Volume 2 kindle is available now! Stay tuned for more 😊
- Show and tell: Not On My Watch (Cherry with Mango bird) Harmonic Drone in F and FYI Prophetic Worship Banners free classes on their site
- Testimony: Healing Dance Ministry and “Blown Away” & Ministry with Dance
- Prophetic Nugget (Daily Downloads from Heaven): I Hear Each Petition
- Dyed4you Art: Watch and Pray
- Dyed4you silk: Not on My Watch tallit (prayer shawls are on Etsy)
- Other stuff: MeghanW posts called “How-To Pray without Ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17)”, “Prayer Burdens and Burden Bearing, an Intercessor’s Call” and “God is God (and we are not)” and a Dyed4you Ministries post called “There’s Strength in the Command”
Lunchtime Live: The Power in Active Resting
- Announcement: Daily Downloads from Heaven, Volume 2 preorder link should be up this week 🙌🏻
- Show and tell: Jehovah Tsaba (Lord of Hosts flag I shared about last week (on Etsy) and (in honor of Resurrection week) The Blood and The Bride flags (on Etsy), Yeshua flag (on Etsy) and Yeshua tallit
- Testimony: power twins with their matching Powerhouse tallits 😊
- Prophetic Nugget (Daily Downloads from Heaven): I AM YHVH Manowc (the Lord your Refuge)
- Dyed4you Art: Embrace the Adventure
- Dyed4you silk: large handled bendie wings (8mm aka “standard” weight silk) called Powerhouse (on Etsy)
- Other stuff: MeghanW post called “No Fear (Psalm 53:5)”
Continue reading “Lunchtime Live: The Power in Active Resting”
Lunchtime Live: Names of God – Lord of Hosts
- Other info: Living Streams Mission has the products I mentioned that were life-changing for me
- Show and tell: Tsaba Dyed4you Art flag
- Testimony: mini YHVH Sabaoth (Lord of Hosts) bendie flag and “perfect” bride flags (on Etsy)
- Prophetic Nugget (Daily Downloads from Heaven): I AM Your Portion
- Dyed4you Art: Tsaba (Name of God Dyed4you Art flag)
- Dyed4you silk: large bendie wings (5mm) called The Blood (on Etsy) and a Crinkle Silk called Increase (on Etsy)
- Other stuff: MeghanW posts called “Seeing the Lord of Hosts for Who He Is (Psalm 84)”, “Names of God”, and “The Power of a Name”
Continue reading “Lunchtime Live: Names of God – Lord of Hosts”