During a season when a dear friend was in hospice care and I was in ongoing prayer for him, Father woke me up one night with these words, “I know your first breath and your last breath.” I immediately understood He was reminding me that I didn’t need to fear because He was in control. And even more, I sensed He was reminding me that death wasn’t the last step, for He has won the victory over the grave. He guides us along life’s path. I sensed Him assuring me that He knows the beginning from the end and that the knowledge of that should fill me with comfort. As I continued to press into what I was sensing, the following word came forth. Continue reading “The End from the Beginning”
Grace, Grace, Oh What Grace!
Father is full of grace (courteous goodwill) and gives us grace (unmerited favor) at the same time. His fountain flows freely and is an ever vast supply, limitless past the heavenly sky. He gave of His own Son, Yeshua the Messiah, to extend that grace to us. Continue reading “Grace, Grace, Oh What Grace!”
Trustworthy to Transform
I am trustworthy. I will not fail you. I am not fickle like man. I do not abandon you, or leave you without hope. It is not in My nature.
My child, look for Me at each step. Make every effort to seek Me. I am not far away from you – I’m closer than you think. It may not feel that way, but don’t go by your feelings, instead turn to the truth of who I am. Continue reading “Trustworthy to Transform”
Burn Like Holy Fire
That burning inside you is of Me. I placed that flame inside you and the wind of the Holy Spirit fans it. Giving it strength when needed. The strength to stand up for injustice, to fight for one another. We are at war! The things of this world and the things of Heaven. The enemy would rather you be quiet and let your fire die down to tiny embers. I stoke the fires, I resurrect the dead things. Continue reading “Burn Like Holy Fire”
Refreshing Worship
As you worship Me (the King of Kings) – delving deeper and deeper, I will lift you up to soar with Me to the highest heights. There will be no room for fear as waves of freedom and abandon wash over you. We will unite as one. Continue reading “Refreshing Worship”
See yourself as the cherished one that you are in My eyes. Only when you see yourself from that view can you began to operate as Mine. I have seen you from the very beginning and in your worst moments I did not turn away. I was there wiping those tears away with My own hand, and pleading with you to seek Me for reassurance. You are more important to Me than the majestic angels or the brightest star. I know every part of you – even those areas you try to hide away. Knowing all those things about you, does not for one second stop or halt My great love for you. In fact, I love you more and more as time goes on. Each time you seek Me about something, I’m thrilled for a chance to commune with you. I love you so much that I gave of Myself (in My Son) to restore the relationship that was lost so long ago in the Garden. Continue reading “Cherished”
Radiant Bride
There is a bridal gown – white and beautiful, covered in glittery jewels making it shine bright. And as I stand looking at it, I am struck with the thought, “how can I possibly wear this?” I feel so unworthy. I feel the weight of shame from my past – innocence lost, mistakes made. The loud voices saying “You are not enough.” Continue reading “Radiant Bride”
Listen to My Sound
Attune your ears to the spiritual – focus on this realm and not on the natural realm. Do you hear it My child? Continue reading “Listen to My Sound”
Our Lion Shepherd
Our Lion Shepherd looks after the sheep. The Father takes care of each one. He is gentle with us, but in an instant, our fierce Lion Shepherd can come out and roar over any who threaten His sheep.
He is protective of His flock with His eyes ever watchful. He guides us along the path of life. And as the path gets hard, He never leaves us. He gives true rest by the refreshing of His stream, nourishing our parched areas. He gives out daily blessings. May we always be grateful for His grace and kindness. He is a true shepherd tending His sheep. Continue reading “Our Lion Shepherd”
Tend Your Light
Your light, Father, it calls to us – like a lighthouse on a bank surrounded by a body of water. It may be the very dark of night and the storm may be raging around us, but the beacon of hope is shining out. It is guiding us back to safety, back to the wonderful warm glow of light that floods – out piercing any darkness. The light is brighter in the darkness, and the darkness cannot shut it out. Continue reading “Tend Your Light”