Welcomed to My Throne Room

Revelation 4:3 (VOICE) The One enthroned gleamed like jasper and carnelian, and a rainbow encircled the throne with an emerald glow.

Beloved, be caught up into My throne room – you are welcome here. Be caught up in My presence. Allow My glory to overtake you like a rushing wave. Be immersed in the weight of My majesty and love. Be undone.

See Me as I AM, beloved: high and lifted up. I AM welcoming you to be with Me, to be changed in My presence. To behold My majesty and be overwhelmed by My splendor. Make time for Me. Take time in communion with Me.

See those who surround My throne and respond likewise. Allow your knees to weaken in holy reverence and fall to your face crying “Holy! Holy! Holy!” See Me as I AM. Experience Me and be forever changed by a real and powerful encounter with the Living God. Continue reading “Welcomed to My Throne Room”

Carrier of My Peace

John 14:27 (AMP) Peace I leave with you; My [perfect] peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid. [Let My perfect peace calm you in every circumstance and give you courage and strength for every challenge].

Beloved, I have endowed you with My peace. It is yours and you walk in the fullness of it. Allow My peace to so saturate you that you carry it like a tangible presence and like a lingering aroma leave it everywhere you go.

You are an overcomer, and you have overcome fear with My peace. Continually shift the atmosphere around you, being intentional to usher in that shalom – the peace that wars against chaos. You are My chosen vessel – a carrier of My glory, My Spirit, the truth of who I AM – share that truth unashamedly and cultivate an atmosphere of peace everywhere you go. Peace, peace, abundant peace.

Be Led By My Spirit

1 Corinthians 14:33 (VOICE) …God is the author of order, not confusion…

Beloved, I AM not the author of chaos, nor do I incite discord. I do not work contrary to My goal or My word. As My children yield to My flow, they find themselves working in concert, creating a harmony that glorifies and honors their King. As you each align with your roles within the flow, beauty and life pour forth.

Trust each to be led by My Spirit (and for Me to bring correction if they’re not). Trust the authority I have put in place to be a catalyst for unity and to lead and guide rightly (and pray for them to walk in the fullness of that call). Put your focus on aligning yourself with My purpose for you, and refuse to be distracted by whether or not others are doing likewise.

In the end, remember I AM sovereign. Regardless of human shortcomings, I delight to move in and through it all. Yield to Me, focus on Me, and usher in My Kingdom here on earth. Continue reading “Be Led By My Spirit”

I Orchestrate in Harmony

1 Corinthians 14:32 (VOICE) …the prophetic spirits are under the control of the prophets…

Beloved, cultivate a sensitivity to My leading, and extend grace to yourself in the process. Trust those I’ve placed in leadership to direct you according to My will. Even if they are shutting down what you are sensing, know I AM sovereign. Since I will not force Myself on anyone nor remove your natural abilities and functions, you are always able to stop or pause. I have placed you under authority and you honor Me when you honor them. They may fall short, but leave room for them to miss Me, even as you desire that grace for yourself.

Refuse the urge to try to control Me (or them) or need to understand everything in your natural mind, instead allowing Me to move. My Spirit empowers, moving in power and harmony. As you yield to My Spirit, we will flow together – breathing life and operating in truth.

So remember, beloved, to yield to authority, both Mine and that of those in the natural who have been granted the role. Honor them as you would Me. Trust that they are reflecting My heart and implementing My wishes to the best of their ability, and pray for them to do so. Operate in order. Cultivate My presence. And for those tasked with facilitating My presence, trust My Spirit to lead you. I orchestrate in harmony. Continue reading “I Orchestrate in Harmony”

The Power of My Presence

Psalm 68:8 (VOICE) The whole world trembled! The sky poured down rain at the power of Your presence; even Mount Sinai trembled in Your presence, the presence of the True God, the God of Israel.

Beloved, never underestimate the power of My presence. It causes darkness to tremble, the dead to come to life, it brings manifold change and tremendous breakthroughs. I AM God Almighty – El Gibbor, the Mighty God. My presences changes things. My presence will change you.

As you stand basking in My overwhelming love, allowing My joy to refresh and heal you – how can you not come away changed? Make the time, be intentional, and soak Me in. Allow Me to saturate you in the oil of My Spirit.

Then prepare, beloved. For the power of My presence brings forth response. It brings about action. You cannot know Me and spend time with Me and stay the same. It’s not that a response is required as much as it is inevitable.

So prepare to take new ground. Pour out your fresh oil with the knowledge that I AM always pouring back into you – just step into My presence and be filled – heart and hands open, beloved, receive from Me – then go forth. Expand the Kingdom.

Remain Singular in Focus

1 Corinthians 12:4 (NLT) There are different kinds of spiritual gifts, but the same Spirit is the source of them all.

Beloved, I AM the source, the giver of good gifts, and the endower of spiritual gifts. I created you for a call and with a purpose, and the plans I have for you are good plans – ones that honor Me and expand the Kingdom. Be satisfied with your piece and walk it out with excellence. Remain singular in focus: eyes on Me, heart aligned with My plans and My Kingdom.

Refuse the temptation to wish you were created or called differently. In the Kingdom, every person is cherished, every gift is vital, and each role necessary to complete that which I have planned. Refuse to judge through human eyes. Be firm in having a Kingdom mentality where the goal is simply: making Me known and expanding the Kingdom. Continue reading “Remain Singular in Focus”

Sober and Singleminded

Proverbs 4:25 (AMPC) Let your eyes look right on [with fixed purpose], and let your gaze be straight before you.

Beloved, resist the urge to be sidetracked or to lose focus. I have given you purpose and a call, and behold it is good and worthy – worthy of your time, attention, and focus. So keep your gaze fixed, not looking to the left or to the right, and not wasting time looking back – for I AM your rear guard and I go before you, there is nothing to fear.

The cares of this world may try to draw you in through worry and fear, and the temptations of this world will seek to lull you into complacency, but you know – you know, beloved – that time is short. So be sober and singleminded in purpose. Expand the Kingdom and make My name great.

Create with Me 

Isaiah 40:28 (TLB) Don’t you yet understand? Don’t you know by now that the everlasting God, the Creator of the farthest parts of the earth, never grows faint or weary? No one can fathom the depths of his understanding.

Beloved, I AM the idea maker. I never run out of ideas. My creativity knows no bounds. Take My hand and create with Me. I love to share in the joy of bringing forth new life and ideas into being. I AM the Creator. Listen for My whisper and be moved by the touch of My hand. I declared light into being, and it came forth. Behold the smallest detail on the daintiest flower is My design. I AM beautiful and I bring forth beauty.

I will paint the sky as you paint with words. I will create new colors as you blend your palette. I will bring forth music as you sing a new song. Don’t hold back. Don’t censor yourself, or restrain or limit your creativity, allow it to flow and My Spirit to flow through you. Let your work reflect My heart and My kingdom. Bring forth aspects of My glory and My grandeur. Make Me known in the earth.

Pray for My Kingdom to Come

Matthew 6:10 (VOICE) Bring about Your kingdom. Manifest Your will here on earth, as it is manifest in heaven.

Beloved, remember to pray for My kingdom to come – that My will might be established in the earth. Align with My heart and My plans. Darkness trembles when your prayers align with My will. The prayers of the righteous bring forth tremendous results. I hear your prayers – each and every one. Never hesitate to share your heart with Me for your thoughts are precious to Me.

And beloved, persist in prayer – do not grow weary. Let your heart be moved and let My Spirit lead as you pour out your petitions before My throne. I do not take them lightly. When we partner together, the enemy doesn’t stand a chance. Let My Spirit move you with compassion. Take the time to bless and pray for those around you. No prayer goes unheard. Even the smallest petition can move My heart. Have eyes to see and ears to hear and join with Me as you pray for heaven to come.

James 5:16 (AMP) …The heartfelt and persistent prayer of a righteous man (believer) can accomplish much [when put into action and made effective by God—it is dynamic and can have tremendous power].

Blessing the Upright 

Psalm 84:11 (TLB) For Jehovah God is our Light and our Protector. He gives us grace and glory. No good thing will he withhold from those who walk along his paths.

Beloved, My desire to bless you is far greater than even your desire to be blessed. Walk in My ways. Read My word. Live it. Know it. Love it, for it is a part of Me. Those who know Truth are far less likely to be deceived. Arm yourself. Know Me, beloved. Position yourself for My blessings for I stand ready with more than you could possibly contain.

Grace and glory come from Me. All promotion (and even demotion) is from My hand. Trust that I AM moving according to your best interests and that of the kingdom. Continue reading “Blessing the Upright “