Reverential Awe (See Me as I AM)

Psalm 24:10 (TPT) You ask, “Who is this King of Glory?” He is the Lord of Victory, armed and ready for battle, the Mighty One, the invincible commander of heaven’s hosts! Yes, he is the King of Glory! Pause in his presence

Beloved, you know I love you and you’ve been told I call you friend, but never allow our intimacy to cause you to lose sight of who I AM. I AM the LORD, strong and mighty in battle. I AM the King of Glory and Lord of All. I AM the Lord of Hosts – the Commander of Heavenly Armies – the vast hosts of Heaven stand at My ready. I AM sovereign.

In our intimacy, do not make Me small in your eyes – a comfortable little god you can keep in your pocket and pull out on a bad day. I AM far bigger and far greater, and I AM not one to be manipulated or controlled. I fiercely protect those I love, and I will not be mocked. See Me as I AM. Worship Me and know Me. Intentionally keep your heart in a position of reverential awe. I AM worthy.

Submit to Authority for My Sake

Romans 13:1 (VOICE) It is important that all of us submit to the authorities who have charge over us because God establishes all authority in heaven and on the earth.

Beloved, I AM the one who lift men up and make them great. Position and honor come from Me, so give honor and respect to all positions of authority for My sake. Pray and ask Me to give them wisdom and help them to choose justice and mercy, but be intentional to submit in reverence to Me.

Remember you cannot see the full picture. Not understanding why someone has been given power does not give you license to thrash against it. Trust Me, honor Me, and allow My good purpose to come forth.

I AM the Righteous Judge

Hebrews 10:30 (AMPC) For we know Him Who said, Vengeance is Mine [retribution and the meting out of full justice rest with Me]; I will repay [I will exact the compensation], says the Lord. And again, The Lord will judge and determine and solve and settle the cause and the cases of His people.

Beloved, I AM the righteous judge. I AM Elohim Mishpat (God of Judgment/Justice). Leave exercising judgment in My capable hands and simply focus your attentions on Me. Trust Me to know your causes and see the injustices done and to address them rightly. I see fullness of every situation and the intentions of each heart. I understand why each choice and action is made. I know when to extend grace and when to bring correction (and how to do so most effectively), trust My judgment.

Yielding to My judgment in no way gives a pass to those perpetrating injustice, it simply indicates your understanding that only I know how best to address it and that you trust Me to do so. Simply taking that stand is powerful warfare, for in doing so you declare I AM trustworthy and righteous, and you acknowledge My sovereignty. This both leads others by example and sends a powerful message to the kingdom of darkness making you a warrior of light – beautiful and trusting your King.

Shine and Shine Brightly

Exodus 3:14 (TLB) “‘The Sovereign God,’” was the reply. “Just say, ‘I Am has sent me!’

Beloved, you move under My authority and by My command, never forget the level of authority you are operating under. There is no greater power in heaven or on earth for I AM sovereign. I AM that I AM.

I AM the Eternal One who sees all, knows all, and loves you boundlessly. Despite the vast knowledge at My hand and all the things, people, and situations vying for My attention, you, beloved, have captured My gaze. In the midst of it all I pause – to tend to My beloved. To encourage you in all I have called you to.

See by My actions how precious you are to Me. Hear with your heart My instructions and execute them without hesitation or concern knowing I AM with you. Don’t hold back, beloved. Shine, and shine brightly. Be all I have called you to and let yourself soar in My presence and on My wings.

Be at Peace

Matthew 6:27 (CSB) Can any of you add one moment to his life-span by worrying?

Beloved, refuse to allow the enemy to tempt you into useless cycles of fruitless energy by worrying. Trust in Me. I AM sovereign. I AM almighty. Nothing shocks or surprises Me. Nothing catches Me off guard. Rest in that knowledge.

You don’t have to be in control or even try to understand all the why’s of a situation, you can simply rest knowing that One who is for you does know, and trust Me to lead, guide, and protect you in the midst. Lean on Me. Rest in Me. Be at peace.

Unflinching Faith

Daniel 3:17 (TLV) If it is so, our God whom we serve is able to save us from the furnace of blazing fire and He will deliver us out of your hand, O king.

Beloved, refuse to allow circumstances to alter your faith. Be steadfast – strong and determined – and have unflinching faith. Stand fast like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego in the face of seemingly impossible obstacles and declare that I AM faithful regardless of circumstance.

I AM with you, I never leave you, I love you and desire good for you. Rest in Me – knowing that whether or not I choose the outcome you desire, I always choose you and My heart towards you is good. I see things you don’t see and cause all things to work together for good. Continue reading “Unflinching Faith”

Let Your Anticipation Testify

Psalm 130:6 (VOICE) My soul waits for the Lord to break into the world more than night watchmen expect the break of day, even more than night watchmen expect the break of day.

Beloved, be a watchman on the wall. Alertly fix your gaze, watching expectantly for Me to breakthrough for I AM the God of the breakthrough. Let your heart stand in faith, knowing with full certainty that I will move suddenly. It may seem as though I tarry, but I tarry not.

Anticipate Me. Sober, alert, and ready – expectant, filled with confidence and trust in Me and My word. May your anticipation alone testify to your faith in who I AM and My faithfulness.

Lead by Example and Pray

Proverbs 14:34 (VOICE) Living according to God’s instructions makes a nation great, but sin colors those who commit it with disgrace.

Beloved, lead by example. Walk in freedom unhindered by sinful pursuits. Keep your mind – thoughts and actions – fixed on Me. Operate in love rather than being tempted to pride or judgment. Encourage others to be their best selves by being your best self. Show them what it looks like. Let them ask you how to walk that way rather then judging their ungodly behavior as they are still in the world.

Pray for them. Pray for your nation. Pray for your leaders. I AM sovereign. I lift men up and make them great. Trust that My will can be accomplished and pray that it would be. Ultimately you are in My hands and that is a good place to be. Continue reading “Lead by Example and Pray”

My Rhythm and Harmony 

Ecclesiastes 3:1 For everything that happens in life—there is a season, a right time for everything under heaven

Beloved, everything I do has a rhythm and a flow. Each thing in its perfect timing. Like an orchestra playing a powerful piece of music and each instrument, each melody, each beat needs to be in perfect timing – flawlessly synchronized – to create the desired harmony. Creation is orchestrated for My glory. All are blessed and moved by the way things align, like shivers from a sweeping arpeggio or a grand crescendo.

Each season, each moment perfectly timed. Yield to My flow. Trust My rhythm. I AM always on time: never early, never late. Move with Me – not trying to rush ahead, nor trying to drag your feet. Experience the exquisiteness of My harmony.

I AM Limitless 

Revelation 4:3 (VOICE) The One enthroned gleamed like jasper and carnelian, and a rainbow encircled the throne with an emerald glow.

Beloved, I AM radiant. Shining in splendor. Enthroned above all. Swirls of color surround me. Light emanates from Me. I AM glorious. See Me and be moved in holy awe. Rightly see Me. Allow your spirit to discern and embrace My throne room. With your spiritual eyes see the glory of this place. Hear the voices crying, “Holy! Holy! Holy!” Understand My grandeur and majesty. Know Me as I AM.

Having seen Me as I truly am, would you try to put Me in a box? Would you try to contain or control Me? Beloved, I cannot be manipulated or controlled. Reject the temptation to make Me smaller so you can fully comprehend Me. I AM beyond comprehension – and that is good. I AM moving in ways you can’t see or imagine – and that is good. I AM bigger than you know – and that is good. I AM limitless! I know no bounds. Nothing is too great for Me for I AM greater than all. I AM.