Find the Truth in My Gaze

Proverbs 16:6 (TPT) You can avoid evil through surrendered worship and the fear of God, for the power of his faithful love removes sin’s guilt and grip over you.

Beloved, not only is your praise a mighty weapon, but it is a fearsome shield as well. It keeps your attentions focused on that which is good and true, and protects you from the enemy’s diversions. A besotted bride is not tempted by another, for her gaze is too well-fixed on the one she holds so dear. 

And, as this bride rests in the adoration of her beloved, she is not thinking of all the ways she’s missed the mark or all her personal shortcomings, for her reality is painted by his perception – that of his pure and spotless bride. In the same way, beloved, find your truth in My gaze. 

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