20 years ago I saw Jesus face to face. His eyes were orange and yellow fire…I was drawn to gaze into the intense flames in His eyes. Gazing intimately into the eyes of Jesus is the place of deliverance and peace. Continue reading “Eyes of Fire”
Fostering Deeper Intimacy with God
One of our guest contributors on Dyed4youMinistries.com, Jessica is a gifted artist and shares her work online through Jessica Smith Art on Facebook. She is a wife and mother who has a deep passion for the Lord. The fruit of her prayer closet time is evident in her art and her prophetic downloads.
20 years ago I saw Jesus face to face. His eyes were orange and yellow fire…I was drawn to gaze into the intense flames in His eyes. Gazing intimately into the eyes of Jesus is the place of deliverance and peace. Continue reading “Eyes of Fire”
I saw the cross and behind me was the world and all its trouble. Jesus was hanging on that cross soaked in His own blood. I hugged the bloody cross. I clung to it. Continue reading “Blood-Bought Victory”
In a dream (2000), I saw a door. The door opened. My Dad walked out and approached me (My dad passed away in 2006). He informed me that someone wanted to see me. That’s all he said. I knew who wanted to see me. I knew it was Jesus and that He was on the other side of that door. Continue reading “Come to the Table”
A little over 2 years ago I was in a TERRIBLE spiritual storm. Attacks from people and demons, betrayal, rejection and sickness on every side. I was fearful, anxious and stressed. Continue reading “I Am Here”
Christian’s want strategy for victory, but they don’t want to spend time in the Secret Place aka “Prayer Closet” aka “Intimacy with God” where strategy is given. I know, because I’ve been that Christian! Continue reading “Power from the Secret Place”
As I was soaking in God’s presence, my hands were pressed against the Lord’s hands, I was praying in tongues. I felt the tangible glory, then suddenly I was in a vision. I was in heaven at the Throne of God! Continue reading “Seated at the Throne/Table”
In a vision/experience during worship, I was at the foot of God’s throne. A place I had seen many times during prayer and worship. His throne was box shaped and completely coated in like diamond dust, silver and transparent jewels which were radiating the GRACE of God and as I pressed my hands upon the throne I was being filled with the new wine through His Holy Spirit. Continue reading “You are Loved”