Exercise Your Self-Control

Galatians 5:22-23 (AMP) But the fruit of the Spirit [the result of His presence within us] is…self-control…

Beloved, I have called you to be holy as I AM holy. Simply because you won’t be able to walk out personal righteousness perfectly is no excuse not to do your best. Not out of a sense of burden or trying to earn your salvation (which is a gift freely given by grace), but out of a place of love and honor – seeking to do that which pleases Me and aligns with My word.

I have given you self-control and empowered you by My Holy Spirit. You are more able than you believe and more able even than you’ve experienced. Like a muscle that builds strength with use, self-control becomes stronger as it is exercised. So choose not to respond when provoked. And choose not to indulge your flesh when it’s not beneficial. Choose to do that which is godly even when (and in fact especially when) it is in direct opposition with the flow of the world.

Exercise your self-control, beloved, and watch it grow and strengthen. It becomes easier to choose rightly and even the desire to choose that which is in opposition to Me (or even that which is fruitless) diminishes and loses its draw. Remain steadfast. Lean into the Holy Spirit for strength. Extend grace to yourself when you fall short, and simply start again. Be holy, beloved, as I AM holy.

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