Strengthen the Body

1 Corinthians 12:27 (TLB) Now here is what I am trying to say: All of you together are the one body of Christ, and each one of you is a separate and necessary part of it.

Beloved, be intentional to strengthen the connections within the Body. The enemy seeks to divide, so resist the urge to allow your focus to remain on differences or areas of possible offense. Instead look for ways that giftings and strengths can best compliment one another. There is room and purpose for all within the Body of Christ. Each person is vital to success. Because each person is different, it is easy to become tempted by feelings of loneliness, discouragement, or despair. So be vigilant to create connection and build one another up.

Beloved, in the same way that a puzzle cannot be completed if you lose even one tiny piece, so you must ensure that your brethren in Christ are not lost or stolen. Each of you is vital to the whole. Each person is worth the time and effort to draw in and strengthen. And even as your iron sharpens iron and the sparks fly, simply wait for those sparks to fade and choose to live in peace and harmony as one—one strong one.

1 Corinthians 12:19-25 (VOICE) If all members were a single part, where would the body be? So now, many members function within the one body. The eye cannot wail at the hand, “I have no need for you,” nor could the head bellow at the feet, “I won’t go one more step with you.” It’s actually the opposite. The members who seem to have the weaker functions are necessary to keep the body moving; the body parts that seem less important we treat as some of the most valuable; and those unfit, untamed, unpresentable members we treat with an even greater modesty. That’s something the more presentable members don’t need. But God designed the body in such a way that greater significance is given to the seemingly insignificant part. That way there should be no division in the body; instead, all the parts mutually depend on and care for one another.

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