Arrayed in Splendor

1 Chronicles 29:11 (DBY) Thine, Jehovah, is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the splendour, and the majesty; for all that is in the heavens and on the earth is thine: thine, Jehovah, is the kingdom, and thou art exalted as Head above all;

Beloved, I AM arrayed in splendor. I AM the very essence of glory. I AM beauty, and I display My majesty for all to see. Pause and reflect on all I AM. Let your eyes and heart and mind be filled with the wonder of Me. Stand in awe and let your heart be enthralled by Me.

Stare in holy wonder, beloved, for I defy description. Yet there is purpose in the trying. Even though you can never fully understand the breadth, height, and depth of My love, it is worth the effort to try.

As you come to know Me more, the way you see everything changes – clarity comes and a rightness of scale. Things that once seemed overwhelming begin to feel manageable or even insignificant compared to Me – the One who loves and adores you, the One who is staunchly for you.

Fix your eyes on Me, beloved, and refuse to shift your gaze. Be fascinated by all that I AM and immerse yourself in My splendor and majesty.

[Lunchtime Live – Show and tell this week is an Inspired Flow Art scarf (Irrepressible Life) and a beautiful print of Margie Puckett’s Unfailing Love. The topic Papa gave for this week is His Splendor, so I shared this Prophetic Nugget, a Dyed4you Art piece called the “Beauty of Holiness,” and a new streamer veil called “Splendor of His Presence” which is a mulltisilk comprised of “River of God” and “All-Encompassing Glory.” We also spend time touching on Unity (as a brief into to next week’s Lunchtime Live).  The background music is by Music to Pray By.]

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