Proverbs 3:5 (VOICE) Place your trust in the Eternal; rely on Him completely; never depend upon your own ideas and inventions.
Beloved, spread wide your arms and trust in Me. Take your hands off your circumstances and throw your head back and give praise to the One who is worthy. Know that I have you covered, so release it all to Me.
I AM all you need. Let Me lift you in My love, and strengthen you by My Spirit. Let me give you true vision, for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear can see and know the things not of the earthly realm. Embrace the things of heaven, and trust in Me.
Please note: if you enjoy these daily posts, you’ll want to subscribe to Daily Downloads from Heaven since as of the end of this month, all these posts will solely go on there each day. Did you know we’re releasing a devotional book with these Prophetic Nuggets in May of this year called Daily Downloads from Heaven? Stay tuned for more information!
Lunchtime Live: Being Moved by His Spirit-Wind
- REMINDER: follow Author Meghan Williams FB page/subscribe to Daily Downloads from Heaven website to continue getting the Prophetic Nuggets after this weekend
- Announcement: Author Meghan Williams profile is up on Instagram (@authormeghanwilliams)
- Show and tell: Throne Room rustic cherry Dyed4you flute in the key of A (currently In Your Presence is Freedom is the Dyed4you flute available)
- Testimony: River of God flute
- Prophetic Nugget: Embrace the Things of Heaven
- Dyed4you Art: Currents of His Love {Air}
- Dyed4you silk: handled large extra long bendie flag (5mm aka “light” weight silk) called By His Breath
- Other stuff: MeghanW post called “Not Fearing the Wind (Matthew 14:28-33)”, Destiny Church’s Song 54