I Go Before You

Exodus 13:21-22 (AMP) The [presence of the] Lord was going before them by day in a pillar (column) of cloud to lead them along the way, and in a pillar of fire by night to give them light, so that they could travel by day and by night. He did not withdraw the pillar of cloud by day, nor the pillar of fire by night, from going before the people.

I go before you, beloved. I make your way clear. There is no strain on you to lead, simply follow me as I mark the path. I bring shade to you by day and light to you by night. Stay in step with Me. Do not move without My presence. If the sun burns too brightly or the night looms too dark, you will know you’ve wandered from Me. I’ve made it so you can feel the difference; just pause and let yourself feel it.

I want you to follow My lead, beloved, so I’ve made doing so as easy as possible. Don’t overthink it or try to complicate matters by second guessing yourself and whether you’re accurately hearing Me or sensing Me; I will let you know if you move off course when your heart is to follow. So rest and trust Me.

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