Set Apart

1 Peter 2:9 (VOICE) But you are a chosen people, set aside to be a royal order of priests, a holy nation, God’s own; so that you may proclaim the wondrous acts of the One who called you out of inky darkness into shimmering light.

Beloved, you are set apart. Chosen. If you feel like you’re different and you don’t fit in, that’s a good thing because I’ve called you out and made you holy. You are sanctified and whole. A new creation for My pleasure and My glory. Shine brightly, beloved. Make My glory known.

You’ve been set apart to be with Me, and to minister to Me. Sit at My feet as   Mary did. Lie against My chest as John did. Hover close, beloved, that we might whisper and dream together.  You are My own – My child, My precious one. Resist the temptation to sully yourself or get sucked into habitual sin. Be holy, beloved. Walk differently. You’ve been washed clean. Sparkle and shine for all to see.

2 Replies to “Set Apart”

  1. Good morning and God bless you! I love to read these morning devotions they are such a blessing and you put it in a way that it’s like the Father is talking to me. I’m set a part from this world, I don’t want to fit in this world. Thank you Jesus for the blood you shed for us that changes us. I’m a new creation in Christ the old things have passed away. New levels in Jesus!!! Amen!! I’m going to church to worship my Lord and savior and give him all of my praise!!

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