Isaiah 11:2 (VOICE) And on this child from David’s line, the Spirit of the Eternal One will alight and rest. By the Spirit of wisdom and discernment He will shine like the dew. By the Spirit of counsel and strength He will judge fairly and act courageously. By the Spirit of knowledge and reverence of the Eternal One….
Beloved, victory is always in your hands because I am always with you. As a carrier of My Presence, I have sent you into this world to accomplish My Kingdom purposes. And those whom I send, I abundantly equip that they may succeed.
I have imparted My Spirit of Counsel to you. Just as a king would seek wise advice before waging war, I encourage you to make every effort to seek My voice in the moments you need strategy. My Spirit of Counsel is gentle and supportive, like the presence of a trusted friend. Just as you would not have an important conversation in the midst of a crowd, so you will need to draw aside into the secret place in order to draw upon My Spirit within you.
Remember, I do not expect you to walk out your commission alone. Indeed, I am here to support you. I have already ordained the provision you need for every stage of My plans for you. Therefore, lean upon Me. Walk with Me. We will accomplish much more together than you could ever do alone.
Proverbs 20:18 (ESV) Plans are established by counsel; by wise guidance wage war.
1 Samuel 18:14(AMPC)David acted wisely in all his ways and succeeded, and the Lord was with him.
[Draw Upon My Spirit of Counsel originally posted on Waiting in the Wings, reposted in its entirety with permission.]
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