Reflect Me

John 5:19 (TPT) So Jesus said, “I speak to you timeless truth. The Son is not able to do anything from himself or through my own initiative. I only do the works that I see the Father doing, for the Son does the same works as his Father.

Beloved, I lead by example. I AM long-suffering and rich in mercy. Therefore, you should be long-suffering and rich in mercy. My love is unconditional. Therefore, you should love unconditionally. I AM righteous and holy. Therefore, you should strive to be righteous and holy. 

I ask nothing of you that I have not walked out Myself. Therefore, reflect Me with joy and trust Me to guide your path. I will whisper to you “this is the way, walk ye in it,” and you will respond without delay. Hold nothing back, and reflect Me. Continue reading “Reflect Me”

Walk in Full Confidence

2 Corinthians 2:15-16 (AMP) For we are the sweet fragrance of Christ [which ascends] to God, [discernible both] among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing; to the latter one an aroma from death to death [a fatal, offensive odor], but to the other an aroma from life to life [a vital fragrance, living and fresh]. And who is adequate and sufficiently qualified for these things?

Beloved, resist the urge to be offended when those who don’t know Me taunt and tease you. Remember the fragrance of your life is an offering to Me, it need not appeal to them nor is it likely to. 

Your light reminds them that they are in darkness, and no matter how much they may have grown accustomed to the dark, I have placed a desire in each heart for My light. The longing for it can cause a jealous desire they themselves may not even recognize. 

So refuse to allow yourself to be influenced by the unkind words of those around you. Instead be firmly rooted in who I say you are and walk in full confidence in your identity as a precious child of Mine.  Continue reading “Walk in Full Confidence”

Opportunities to Grow in Character

Proverbs 3:3 (TPT) Hold on to loyal love and don’t let go, and be faithful to all that you’ve been taught. Let your life be shaped by integrity, with truth written upon your heart.

Beloved, be steadfast in integrity. Be loyal in your love. Be faithful with all you’ve learned, and be one who leads by example. You have been equipped for that which lies ahead. 

Give weight to that which has been learned, for every experience of life gives opportunity to grow in character. Do so wisely. Stay focused on Me. Mirror your behavior to Mine. Be full of grace and rich in mercy, slow to anger and not easily offended, and love deeply and without judgment. Trust Me to move in others’ lives even as I move in yours.  Continue reading “Opportunities to Grow in Character”

El Shaddai (God Almighty)

Exodus 33:15 (AMP) And Moses said to Him, “If Your presence does not go [with me], do not lead us up from here.

Beloved, let your heart be so taken with My presence that you refuse to move without Me. Remember that I AM El Shaddai (God Almighty), and the source of all life and power. Nothing good is accomplished without My hand. 

Look to Me. Be steadfast in your gaze. Resist the urge to be distracted or to wander out from under the shadow of My wing. Allow Me to lead and accept no substitute. For I AM God, and there is none like Me. 

Song of Joy

Psalm 30:4-5 (TPT) O sing and make melody, you steadfast lovers of God. Give thanks to him every time you reflect on his holiness! I’ve learned that his anger lasts for a moment, but his loving favor lasts a lifetime! We may weep through the night, but at daybreak it will turn into shouts of ecstatic joy.

Beloved, keep an attitude of gratitude in your heart and a song of joy on your lips. Pause and reflect, and you will see there is always something worth praising Me for. You are alive. You are breathing. You are loved. Dayenu – what I have done already is sufficient. 

Resist the urge to focus on that which discourages and tears down – that which inspires fear and disappointment. Rather be intentional to look at the beauty I’ve placed in your life – even if it is something as simple as a lovely night sky or the kindness of a stranger. May your eyes be open and alert to My goodness, and may your heartsong always be one of joy. 

True Fulfillment

Proverbs 25:14 (VOICE) Like clouds and wind that bring no rain, so is one who boasts of gifts promised but never delivered.

Beloved, be known as a person of your word. Resist the urge to indulge in the rush of joy that giving a happy promise brings, and simply do what you are led to do. Do it without fanfare or a desire for praise. Simply do it because it’s what is right and good. 

The heady feel of the praise of men can quickly become an addiction which enslaves you. Resist being drawn in. Instead focus on walking in integrity and following My leadings. For that is where true fulfillment is found.

Rally to Me

Isaiah 5:26 (GW) The Lord raises up a flag for the nations far away. With a whistle he signals those at the ends of the earth. Look, they are coming very quickly!

Beloved, come when I rally My people.  Be sure to heed My call. Come quickly. Respond in haste – as one sensitive to My lead. For when I unite hearts for My purpose, heaven and earth are moved, atmospheres are changed, and the hearts of men respond in love and truth. 

So come forth out of depression and sorrow, and step forth into the battle for victory. Rejoice and be glad as you stand in faith prepared to move. I AM that I AM – the Lord of Hosts is My name. Rally to Me.  Continue reading “Rally to Me”

We Will Win the Day

Psalm 89:21 (VOICE) My strong hand will stay with him and sustain him, regardless of trial or foe. My mighty arm will be his strength and shield.

Beloved, be not concerned for the battle ahead, for victory is assured. The trials – though not easy – are surmountable with Me. Strength and character are honed in the fight, and singlemindedness of purpose. 

Embrace these blessings rather than simply longing for it to be over, which only seems to drag out the process. Trust that I AM sustaining you and My hand is at work for good, and that we will win the day. 

Tenacious Warfare

Jeremiah 51:27 (GW) Raise your battle flag throughout the world. Blow the ram’s horn among the nations. Prepare nations to attack Babylon. Tell the kingdoms of Ararat, Minni, and Ashkenaz to attack it. Appoint a commander to lead the attack. Bring up horses like a swarm of locusts.

Beloved, keep your heart tuned into My frequency and keep your eyes at the ready. Be sensitive and know the times. Listen for when I rally My people – calling them together from the east and from the west. Respond to My cry. It is time to take action.

Prepare for battle, beloved – a war fought on your knees through the righteous prayer and intercession of the saints. They are as strong and mighty as rearing stallions – bold and fearless. So listen and respond. Join the troops, be tenacious in your warfare, and remember I AM always victorious. 

Remember I AM

1 Chronicles 29:11 (VOICE) All that is great and powerful and glorious and victorious and majestic is Yours, O Eternal One. Indeed everything that is in the heavens and the earth belongs to You. The kingdom belongs to You, O Eternal One, and You are the head of it all.

Beloved, I AM. Be intentional to never forget that simple truth. I AM that I AM – the same yesterday, today, and forever, and I AM awesome in power and majesty. Is anything too hard for Me? Remind yourself of who I AM and that you are Mine.

No need you have is too great, nor struggle you have is too overwhelming. I AM God. I AM the one who lifts men up and makes them great, and I AM the one who causes the proud to stumble. Give glory and reverence to Me, beloved, and remember I AM.