Be Intentional in Unity

John 17:22 (VOICE) All the glory You have given to Me, I pass on to them. May that glory unify them and make them one as We are one,

Beloved, are you not one Body? Brought together for one purpose and one call? United in Me – for My Kingdom and My glory. Choose then what furthers that purpose. Choose then to be one in Me.

Be intentional in unity – intentional in harmony, intentional in humility, and intentional in grace. Be intentional in forgiveness, and intentional in understanding. But most of all be intentional in love, for therein lies harmony.

Make Me Your Firm Foundation

John 1:1 (NLT) In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Beloved, I AM. I AM the Alpha and Omega – the beginning and the end. From the foundations of the earth I have always been. I AM everlasting, and My Word endures forever. No firmer foundation can be found, for I AM steadfast and unchanging. Everything else is soft ground and sinking sand compared to My solid bedrock. Make Me your firm foundation.

I AM truly reliable, I AM completely faithful, and My love for you is steadfast. In a world of chaos and uncertainty, I AM your hiding place and your strong tower. I AM resolute and unwavering, a fixed point in a sea of motion. Grab hold and refuse to let go. Beloved, make Me your firm foundation.

Sacrificial Love

John 15:13 (NIV) Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.

Beloved, true love means sacrifice. The cost is high to give. And the higher the cost, the more difficult it can be to receive – to feel worthy of such a sacrifice. But, beloved, to focus on your worth is asking the wrong question. The question is: what will you do with what you have been given?

Respond in gratitude. Respond in power. Rather than asking if you are worthy of such a sacrifice, live in a way that is worthy. Choose to receive the blessing and walk in the fullness – not in arrogance, but rather an honored humility.

Be My Living Word in the Earth

John 1:1 (VOICE) Before time itself was measured, the Voice was speaking. The Voice was and is God.

Beloved, hear Me, for I AM yet speaking. My Word carried on My breath – My Spirit. I still speak today. Will you have ears to hear? Will you heed My voice? It is not enough to say you love My Word, true love is demonstrated by obedience – a yielding to truth, by becoming a manifestation of My Word.

I lead you rightly, so listen for My still small voice. Recognize it as it echoes My written Word which you have read and hidden in your heart. Hear and respond. Hear and obey. Align with My Son – My Word made manifest – by doing as He did, by living like Him – by being My living Word in the earth. Continue reading “Be My Living Word in the Earth”

Lovingly Pruned

John 15:2 (VOICE) My Father examines every branch in Me and cuts away those who do not bear fruit. He leaves those bearing fruit and carefully prunes them so that they will bear more fruit;

Beloved, yield to My loving pruning. I see the areas in your life that are bearing fruit and wish to strengthen those by eliminating the ones that aren’t bearing fruit (or are bearing wrong fruit). Trust Me to know the difference.

I’m not removing areas because I’m mad at you or trying to punish you, so resist the urge to cower or try to cling to that which I’d remove. This isn’t a punishment, it’s a part of healthy growing. So yield, allowing Me to lovingly prune away that which hinders or is unneeded. Trust Me have the wisdom to do so, and to do it gently and in love.

Look for Me in the Storm

Psalm 89:9 (TLB) You rule the oceans when their waves arise in fearful storms; you speak, and they lie still.

Beloved, refuse to be intimidated as the winds and waves rage around you, and look for Me in the eye of the storm. I AM your peace, YHVH Shalom – the Lord your Peace, and I AM always with you. Find your rest in Me.

When the storms come, pause to breathe and regroup. Fix your gaze on Me. Refuse to allow the chaos to mandate your internal landscape. I have given you My peace, none can take it away, so hold it fast and refuse to let go.

Refuse to make room for chaos and confusion. Instead look to Me in the midst of the Storm, for I will guide you with My eye. I will bring order and rest that no circumstance can alter. See clearly, beloved, and let that peace that I have given you radiate out and shift the atmosphere.

You are My carrier of peace. Release it to the world, changing it rather than allowing it to change you. I AM your strength. I AM your joy. I AM your peace. And I AM steadfast. Continue reading “Look for Me in the Storm”

The Gift of Love

John 15:13 (KJV) Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

Beloved, love as I have loved – withholding nothing, without condition or exception. For this type of love changes things, it breaks through the strongest of fortresses, it permeates through the most steadfast defenses.

Even knowing that to be true, don’t love needing or expecting a response, love for the sake of Love. Love because giving the gift of love is its own reward. Love because to do so makes you more like Me. Continue reading “The Gift of Love”

Carrier of My Peace

John 14:27 (AMP) Peace I leave with you; My [perfect] peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid. [Let My perfect peace calm you in every circumstance and give you courage and strength for every challenge].

Beloved, I have endowed you with My peace. It is yours and you walk in the fullness of it. Allow My peace to so saturate you that you carry it like a tangible presence and like a lingering aroma leave it everywhere you go.

You are an overcomer, and you have overcome fear with My peace. Continually shift the atmosphere around you, being intentional to usher in that shalom – the peace that wars against chaos. You are My chosen vessel – a carrier of My glory, My Spirit, the truth of who I AM – share that truth unashamedly and cultivate an atmosphere of peace everywhere you go. Peace, peace, abundant peace.

Find Your Life in Me

John 15:4 (TLB) Take care to live in me, and let me live in you. For a branch can’t produce fruit when severed from the vine. Nor can you be fruitful apart from me.

Beloved, I AM the life-giving force. Press into Me and passionately pursue My presence. In Me you find life more abundantly, contentment and peace, and refreshing for your soul. My Spirit is water in a dry and weary land, and My word is the bread of life. Hunger and thirst and be satisfied. Find your life in Me.

Be transformed by the power of My presence. From glory unto glory allow My Spirit to shine in and through you. May My glory reflect in your countenance as it did on Moses’ face. Walk unveiled and unashamed, a living testament to your life-giving, life-changing God.

Trust That I AM Bigger

John 15:14 (MSG) You are my friends when you do the things I command you.

Beloved, be obedient to My voice. Regardless of your maturity or lack thereof, I can work with whatever you’ll give Me as you yield to My direction and follow My flow to the best of your ability trusting Me to make up the difference.

There will be times you don’t understand, and times you think I have “missed it” because you mistakenly thought you knew where I was headed – all that is fine and even expected – but refuse to allow it to harden your heart towards Me.

Trust Me to lead. Trust that you don’t need all the details to successfully execute My plans for you. Simply be open to the next step, and the next – on and on until suddenly you realize you know Me better than you thought because you’ve yielded and watched Me move, seen Me follow through, seen Me be faithful, and even seen Me have surprising and unexpected solutions.

Trust that I AM bigger than your failings, bigger than any human shortsightedness or insecurities, imperfections, or presumptions. I AM enough, rest in Me.