Fruit of Reconciliation

Proverbs 15:1 (NLT) A gentle answer deflects anger, but harsh words make tempers flare.

Beloved, you are called to love like Me and to live like Me. I AM slow to speak and slow to anger. I see the heart intentions behind words and actions and I respond accordingly. Refuse to allow your flesh to mandate your responses and instead with eyes of compassion look to the heart of things.

Respond rather than react in any situation. Be intentional and be like Me. Trust My Holy Spirit to empower you and give you the grace and wisdom you need regardless of circumstance. I AM your peace, so rest and trust in Me and refuse to be ensnared into a fleshly response. In your anger, sin not. Give grace and bear with one another in love and let the fruit of reconciliation come forth.

My Word is a Mighty Weapon

Proverbs 30:5 (NLT) Every word of God proves true. He is a shield to all who come to him for protection.

Beloved, My Word is a mighty weapon – a two-edged sword. It is unbreakable and true. I AM your shield – put your faith in Me. Stand fast in the day of trouble and rely on your firm foundation to keep your stance secure.

I will not shake. I will not move. My Word is true, and a safety to all who cling to it, for I AM steadfast and mighty, and My Word gives keen insight that uncovers dark motives and hidden agendas. Trust in Me. Trust in My Word. Look to Me for your protection.

Sow and See Them Grow

Proverbs 31:28 (TPT) Her sons and daughters arise in one accord to extol her virtues, and her husband arises to speak of her in glowing terms.

Beloved, be diligent and consistent in pouring forth wisdom and love, for in due season you will reap a harvest. Refuse to be discouraged by set backs regardless of how disheartening they may be. Love as if you will never be hurt. Love without reserve.

Parenting – whether natural parents or spiritual, is not for the faint of heart. It takes patience, depth, long-suffering, forgiveness, an ability to see and hold to the truth, and an abundance of unwavering love. You must learn to truly be like Me. But the fruit of it will come if you persist. Your children will flourish and rise up and call you blessed. How blessed you are to sow and then see them grow. Continue reading “Sow and See Them Grow”

Love Without Restraint

Proverbs 6:16-19 (VOICE) Take note, there are six things the Eternal hates; no, make it seven He abhors: …A heart that conceives evil plans…

Beloved, align your heart and your intentions with good. Refuse to be tempted to wish for evil to befall on anyone and instead pray for blessings and My presence in their lives. If you obey My word by praying for those who hurt you and spitefully use you, would you be double-minded and moments later be hoping for evil retribution to fall? Of course not.

Choose to trust Me wholeheartedly, knowing My judgment is righteous. Trust Me to know how to handle others and instead focus on cultivating a good and loving heart that aligns with Mine. Focus on that which is good, perfect, and true, and love without restraint.

Choose to Value Life

Proverbs 6:16-17 (VOICE) Take note, there are six things the Eternal hates; no, make it seven He abhors…hands that shed innocent blood…

Beloved, life comes from Me. It is a gift. Do not be quick to judge it or place little value on it. Refuse to be tempted to believe one life is more valuable than another, for all life is precious in My eyes. I love My children – My beautiful creation – each created with a purpose and a call. Regardless of the scale of the call, each is vital to the tapestry I AM weaving. So choose to value life. Seek to find and support My purpose. Choose to rest in My sovereignty and know My purposes will remain. Continue reading “Choose to Value Life”

Speak Truth

Proverbs 6:16-19 (VOICE) Take note, there are six things the Eternal hates; no, make it seven He abhors: …a tongue that can’t be trusted…

Beloved, let your yes be yes and your no be no. Let your word be your bond – steadfast and reliable. Be true to your word just as I am to Mine, which I watch over to perform. You are made in My image, rightly reflect Me. Speak truth, and do so consistently and with love.

Remember your words bring forth life or death at your discretion, so choose life. Speak truth over those I place around you. The words of your mouth come from the overflow of your heart, so tend your heart with care, and take care to nurture others’ as well. Continue reading “Speak Truth”

Look Beyond Yourself

Proverbs 6:16-19 (VOICE) Take note, there are six things the Eternal hates; no, make it seven He abhors: Eyes that look down on others…

Beloved, I have called you to walk in humility, not to be self-focused, but rather to put others first, and to be more conscious of their importance than that of your own. Raise your eyes. Refuse to be fixated on self. Look beyond yourself, not in a neglectful way or considering yourself of no value, but rather confident in the understanding that I AM infinitely mindful of you and your needs, and that I will take care of you as you look to others. Continue reading “Look Beyond Yourself”

Choose Joy

Proverbs 17:22 (NLT) A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength.

Beloved, choose joy for it is not based on circumstance. It is found in My presence. It is always there for you and it strengthens you. Literally. It builds you up and heals your heart – and it is even healing to your body.

Refuse to be tempted to bitterness, resentment, anger, or hopelessness. Rather shift your heart to focus on that which is good – clinging to the truth of My promises in the face of opposition and being steadfast in joy when confronted with trials.

Joy is a choice. Cling to gratitude regardless of circumstance, and shift the atmosphere with your laughter for I AM good. That truth always remains. So beloved, be intentional to always choose joy. It is contagious. A blessing that spreads. Be a catalyst. Choose joy. Continue reading “Choose Joy”

Using the Creative Force of Your Mouth for Blessing

Proverbs 18:21 (AMP) Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it and indulge it will eat its fruit and bear the consequences of their words.

Beloved, your mouth will bear fruit, the question is what kind. Will it be bitter or sweet? Will it bring forth life or cause death? Choose wisely, beloved. Align you heart and mouth and mind with Mine. Speak the echos of My heart, and watch the beautiful life that springs forth.

Be mindful of each word. Resist the urge to indulge in careless ones, understand the weight and responsibility of being a creative force, and choosing to be one for good by blessing.

Clothed in Strength

Proverbs 31:25 (NLT) She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.

Beloved, allow your joy and trust in My faithfulness to bubble up and overflow. With YHVH Sabaoth (the Lord of Hosts) and the hosts of heaven on your side, you know you have nothing and no one to fear. Your future is safe in My hands.

Let the joy of victory ring. Let your strength be like the finest garments, and your gentle dignity – your steadfast honor and quiet assurance – be as lovely accessories, accentuating the beauty of your faith in Me as you stand assured with joy.