Galatians 5:22-23 (AMP) But the fruit of the Spirit [the result of His presence within us] is…gentleness…
Beloved, there are moments to be bold, but there are also moments to be gentle. Allow My Spirit to show you the difference. Keep your flesh in check in the moments it wants to reign free, but I’m calling you to keep it in check – remember that you rule it, not vice versa. Allow Me to lead and trust Me as I do.
In the same way My voice both thunders and is still and small, so must you be sensitive to what the moment calls for. There are some to whom a raised voice will always equal violence, and in the same way, some view gentleness as a license to walk all over you. Trust Me to know the difference and allow My Spirit to bring forth My fruit in your character as you stay yielded to My flow. Continue reading “Be Sensitive”