The Power of My Spirit

Psalm 107:35 (VOICE) Yet He transforms a dry, lonely desert into pools of living water, parched ground into lively springs.

Beloved, the power of My Spirit changes things. Nothing is impossible with Me. Deserts rush with water and the dead rise up and walk. Hearts are changed and minds renewed. My Spirit is mighty and life changing. I AM the God of the impossible. Walk in that power as My Spirit works within you.

But remember, beloved, that I don’t do the miraculous on command as though it were a parlor trick. I do it so that My hand is seen, My glory is manifest, and My power is made known. So allow My Spirit to do its work in you. Yield, operate in power, and be radically transformed by the wonder-working power of Your God.

Slow to Speak and Slow to Anger

Psalm 106:33 (AMP) Because they were rebellious against His Spirit, Moses spoke recklessly with his lips.

Beloved, be not riled. Rather hold your tongue and refuse to be provoked – even on My behalf. There are consequences to every word that falls from your lips; therefore, guard them carefully. Refuse to be baited into fruitless arguments or allow petty bickering to incite you to stoop to its level.

Walk in humility and wisdom, being slow to speak and slow to anger. Weigh each word and seek My Spirit’s counsel, for I AM the only one who fully knows the inner workings of men’s hearts, so ask Me for instruction on what to say and when to say it, and I will advise you with true wisdom that brings harmony. Continue reading “Slow to Speak and Slow to Anger”

El Ori (God my Light)

Psalm 27:1 (VOICE) The Eternal is my light amidst my darkness and my rescue in times of trouble. So whom shall I fear? He surrounds me with a fortress of protection. So nothing should cause me alarm.

Beloved, I AM Light. I AM the source. You act as My rays – shining out for all the world to see. Darkness cannot stand in the face of the blinding beauty of heavenly light. Reflect Me. Allow My pure light to warm those around you, and draw them to Me without a word – simply by your radiant glow.

I bring clarity. I bring truth. In Me no confusion can remain. I AM the Light of the World – there is no changing darkness in Me, I AM the light of revelation, and I AM the bringer of truth. No darkness may remain, the enemy must flee. So breathe easy, beloved, and rest in the glorious radiance of El Ori.

Bold Expectancy

Psalm 55:2 (CSB) Pay attention to me and answer me. I am restless and in turmoil with my complaint,

Beloved, David was a man after my own heart, and he was unafraid to express his needs and desires. Asking for My attention isn’t arrogant in My eyes, nor do I see it as presumptuous. Just like a child with loving parents has no hesitation yanking on his father’s arm and demanding attention, so should you approach Me with bold expectancy.

Expect that you are important enough for Me to give you My time. Because you are. Expect that I want you to come to Me – regardless of the reason. Because I do. You are My precious child, and for us to have true intimacy there must be an expectation of good – a trust that I will respond and a deep seated knowledge that you are precious to Me.

So believe with all your heart, beloved. Approach boldly, and do so with expectation. I AM here. I AM willing. And I AM waiting.

Knight of Light

Psalm 18:28 (TPT) God, all at once you turned on a floodlight for me! You are the revelation-light in my darkness, and in your brightness I can see the path ahead.

Beloved, you are a reflection of Me. I bring light to the darkness, and you – under My authority and acting on My behalf – are a knight of Light, a warrior for Truth. Simply by reflecting Me and walking steadfastly in truth, you take territory. You shine, and you shine brightly. Darkness has no choice but to flee.

You are empowered from on high. Never forget your Source. I AM the only true light, and there is no substitute. A counterfeit is known by knowing so intimately what is true that a lie cannot deceive. So bring My light, let it be known in all the earth that no counterfeit or substitute would even be a temptation to those around you because the vibrancy and warmth of My light is irresistible. Continue reading “Knight of Light”

Love the Brokenhearted

Psalm 34:18 (VOICE) When someone is hurting or brokenhearted, the Eternal moves in close and revives him in his pain.

Beloved, I love the brokenhearted. I draw near to them, and I bind up their wounds that they may be healed. Are you willing to be My hands and feet? Are you willing to love like Me? To stay with someone in their brokenness and pain, asking and expecting nothing, simply lavishing life-changing love because you are able?

Resist the urge to fix or counsel, beloved, even when it seems so easy or obvious to you. If My breath isn’t on your words and My Spirit isn’t giving unction, they will not just fall on deaf ears but may cause further injury.

Rather, lavish your love unconditionally because that is how I have loved you. Love without reserve or expectation. Simply love. Freely you have received; freely give. Continue reading “Love the Brokenhearted”

Steadfast Praise 

Psalm 149:6 (TPT) God’s high and holy praises fill their mouths, for their shouted praises are their weapons of war!

Beloved, as your praises rise, things begin to shift. As your praises rise, mountains begin to move. Just as a drip of water can change the face of a rock over time, never underestimate the power of your steadfast praise. 

Stay equipped. Hide the word in your heart and raise a banner or lift your voice high or dance before Me, beloved, but do something. Allow the fruit of your faith to pour forth from your heart. 

Your praise changes things. It shifts the atmosphere. It is powerful because I inhabit the praises of My people and I AM mighty beyond expectation or description. So be steadfast in your praise.  Continue reading “Steadfast Praise “

Praises Rise

Psalm 149:5 (TPT) His godly lovers triumph in the glory of God, and their joyful praises will rise even while others sleep.

Beloved, let your praises rise. Let them rise both in triumph and in the expectation of it. Let it rise at all times. Your steadfast, joyful praise is an audible banner lifted high – a clear reminder to all of Who I AM: I AM God, the Lord of Hosts, the Mighty One, and I reign. 

Refuse to be silent. Refuse to be distracted. Let your joyful praise come forth like refreshing waters encouraging yourself and all those around you. You know who you are because you know Who I AM. Walk boldly in your identity as a child of Mine.  Continue reading “Praises Rise”

Humble and Yielded

Psalm 149:4 (TPT) For he enjoys his faithful lovers. He adorns the humble with his beauty and he loves to give them the victory.

Beloved, I delight to bring victory to those who rejoice in Me. It gives Me immense pleasure to bestow such blessings on those who have held nothing back. Love Me lavishly, sweet one, and without agenda – simply love because I loved you first.

Focus your heart on Me, and leave the battle plans to Me. Your role is humility – eyes and heart fixed on Me; My role is to be God and all that encompasses including knowing what is best for My children and leading them in that path as they yield. I have you, beloved. Continue reading “Humble and Yielded”

Shema (Hear and Obey)

Psalm 29:4 (NLT) The voice of the Lord is powerful; the voice of the Lord is majestic.

Beloved, I spoke and the world you know was created. At My word the earth was formed, and by My breath life was given. Nothing can resist the power of My Word. What I say is as good as done. So grab hold of truth – grab hold of My Word, and believe.

My sheep know My voice, so whether it comes as a gentle whisper or as roaring thunder, My children know My voice and they will respond. Those that love Me, obey Me. So respond to My voice, beloved. Shema, hear and obey.