Seek to Fathom Me

Job 11:7 (NIV) Can you fathom the mysteries of God? Can you probe the limits of the Almighty?

Beloved, I AM fathomless, yet I AM worth the effort to try. The depths of My mysteries have no end. The stretch of My hand goes beyond comprehension. And yet, those who seek Me are blessed, and those who hunger and thirst for Me are filled. 

So though My ways may defy understanding, still you should seek to understand. And though My thoughts are higher than your thoughts, seek to raise yours to Mine. I AM fathomless, beloved, and yet seek to fathom Me. Continue reading “Seek to Fathom Me”

Drown in My Depths

Psalm 42:7 (VOICE) In the roar of Your waterfalls, ancient depths surge, calling out to the deep. All Your waves break over me; am I drowning? 

Beloved, is there such a thing as too much of My love? Come drown in My depths. Be lulled in the flow of My Spirit. Be invigorated – My breath like bubbles against your skin. I AM El Shammah – the God who is present, and I AM always with you. 

Press into Me and seek out the deep mysteries, for I will not withhold wisdom from those who ask. Be drawn deeper still, for there is no end to Me. Revelation upon revelation. Mercy beyond mercy. Love, endless love. Like a pool of swirling waves, happily drown in the pleasure of knowing and being known. Continue reading “Drown in My Depths”

Feast Extravagantly

2 Timothy 3:16 (VOICE) All of Scripture is God-breathed; in its inspired voice, we hear useful teaching, rebuke, correction, instruction, and training for a life that is right

Beloved, not one word of My Word is wasted. Its depths you can spend a lifetime plumbing. There is wisdom and insight and instruction throughout. Ask Me for revelation. Ask Me to bring forth the intricacies, and share with you the wisdom of the ages. 

Remember the study of My Word is no light, inconsequential matter. It takes time and dedication. So be intentional, beloved. Build on your understanding of My Word day after day, word after word. Be nourished, sustained, and become fruitful as you feast extravagantly on My Word.

The Depths of My Wisdom

Proverbs 2:6 (VOICE) The Eternal is ready to share His wisdom with us, for His words bring true knowledge and insight;

Beloved, I have so much to share, but to hear it you must quiet yourself and listen. If you have something of value to share and the person you want to share it with is giving you little to no attention, does that foster your desire to share? Absolutely not. And often if you power through and share it anyway, it’s treated lightly or as though it has no value, which diminishes the gift that’s been given. 

In the same way, beloved, I will not chase after you trying to share the depths of My mysteries. Those come only through your time and pursuit. But, beloved, they are well worth the effort, and here and available if you take time to abide. So seek Me while I may be found, and open yourself to the depths of My wisdom.

Look for Me

Ecclesiastes 3:11 (NKJV) He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end.

Look for Me, beloved. Look for Me to fulfill My Word in great ways and in small. Seek Me continually that I might shine revelation upon My Word, and illuminate events both past and present to bring them into perspective. Yet even as you seek Me, do so with a humble heart understanding that both the plan for your life and the plan for the whole of creation is far beyond what you are capable of fathoming. I Am the Infinite and Eternal Creator, able to fulfill My Word again and again and at new dimensions. I do all things well, and I do them in truth and in harmony. Continue reading “Look for Me”

Time to Soar

Isaiah 40:31 (AMP) But those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] Will gain new strength and renew their power; They will lift up their wings [and rise up close to God] like eagles [rising toward the sun]…

Beloved, it is time to soar. Be lifted in the Spirit. Allow My breath to cause you to take flight. Soar with Me, beloved. Rise in My Spirit, and, with eagle-like vision, see. I have so much more in store than you can begin to imagine. 

And you’ll find that from the highest heights your perspective is changed. Suddenly you have vision and can better see what lies ahead. So wait on Me. Be refreshed, restored, and strengthened. And then, beloved, rise. It’s time to soar.  Continue reading “Time to Soar”

Be a Portal

Psalm 84:2 (VOICE) How I long to be there —my soul is spent, wanting, waiting to walk in the courts of the Eternal. My whole being sings joyfully to the living God.

Beloved, spend your life in a place of worship. Dwell in there. Draw heaven into earth. Be a portal – a vessel for Me to flow through. Allow Me to change the world through you. 

As you yield your heart of worship, watch as I fling wide the windows of heaven and pour forth that which you have not known and cannot explain. Be ready to receive, beloved, for what I have in store is good.  Continue reading “Be a Portal”

Fresh Focus

1 Corinthians 2:16 (AMP) For who has known the mind and purposes of the Lord, so as to instruct Him? But we have the mind of Christ [to be guided by His thoughts and purposes].

Beloved, I’m going to reboot you. I am going to restart your mind and your thoughts. And with this reboot I will renew your vision and give you fresh focus. Do not become discouraged, ashamed, or disappointed because of the distractions that have been causing you to lose focus. Yes, the whirlwind of the enemy has been swirling around you and it has been difficult to see. And yes, it would be easier if the distractions he throws at you were removed. But I declare that My grace is sufficient for you, and My strength is made perfect in your weakness! Continue reading “Fresh Focus”

Make Your Home in Me

Song of Songs 2:3 (TPT) My beloved is to me the most fragrant apple tree— he stands above the sons of men. Sitting under his grace-shadow, I blossom in his shade, enjoying the sweet taste of his pleasant, delicious fruit, resting with delight where his glory never fades.

Beloved, tarry with Me and partake of My fruits, for they are rich and nourishing and pleasing to enjoying. Luxuriate in My presence, and take delight in Me. Allow My shadow to protect and cover you as you rest and abide in Me. 

Though you may seek Me with fervor each day for the rest of your life, I will ever have new depths for you to plumb and fresh revelation to impart. I AM limitless. Just when you think you may be at a place of full understanding, I open up a new aspect of Myself for you to enjoy, so delight in Me for I AM enough. 

So, beloved, feast on My fruit, for it is sweet and is the foundation of life. In Me there is no lack. Delight in My abundance and the pleasure My love brings, for only I can satisfy so make your home in Me. 

Listen to the Sound of Heaven

Revelation 19:6 (AMP) Then I heard something like the shout of a vast multitude, and like the boom of many pounding waves, and like the roar of mighty peals of thunder, saying, “Hallelujah! For the Lord our God, the Almighty, [the Omnipotent, the Ruler of all] reigns.

Beloved, lift your voice and join in with heaven’s sound – all praise be to the One who is worthy! May your feet join in the beat and your arms join in the wave offering – hold nothing back, for victory belongs to the Lamb.

Declare I AM righteous in the heavens. Declare I AM holy in the earth. Declare that I AM sovereign over all creation. Declare, beloved, declare. Listen to the sound of heaven and join in with their cry. “Holy! Holy! Holy!” am I.