
2 Kings 6:17 (GW) Then Elisha prayed, “Lord, please open his eyes so that he may see.” The Lord opened the servant’s eyes and let him see. The mountain around Elisha was full of fiery horses and chariots.

Beloved, ask Me to see. I have given you eyes to see and ears to hear so you are able. There is nothing to fear, for I AM with you always. Truly, legions of angels stand at the ready, engaging on your behalf at My request in response to your prayers. So ask, beloved.

Ask to see. Ask for help. Seek Me – My hand and My assistance. I AM YHVH Sabaoth, the Lord of Hosts – leader of the heavenly armies. Nothing can stand against me and succeed. So stand with Me.

Mirror My countenance – one of peace and love firmly rooted in truth – be like Me. Love like you’ll never get hurt. Eyes wide open. Knowing your heart is in My hands and it is safe there. Your pain is never wasted, beloved – I collect every tear so priceless is your heart to me. Trust Me and trust My plans for you for I AM God and I AM good.

Relentlessly Seek Me and Ask for Wisdom

1 Kings 3:10 (TLB) The Lord was pleased with his reply and was glad that Solomon had asked for wisdom.

Beloved, ask Me. Ask Me for wisdom. In the asking you show that you are laying down self-sufficiency and acknowledging your need of Me, which is good both in that it is to your benefit to seek Me, and also in that it is beautiful to My heart when you seek Me and My thoughts and insights.

Yes, My ways are higher and often difficult to understand, but as our intimacy grows I am able to share more and more with you. The question is not whether or not there is more for Me to share with you, but rather how much time do you want to spend with Me for what I have to share is limitless. I love to reveal My mysteries with My trusted and faithful ones who relentlessly seek Me. It is your choice whether or not you want that to be you. [Feeling Him gently smile as He says that.]

Bathe Luxuriously in My Word

Psalm 119:130 (VOICE) When Your words are unveiled, light shines forth; they bring understanding to the simple.

Beloved, I bring wisdom through the revelation of My word. My word is a conduit for truth and understanding. As you wash yourself in it (taking the time to luxuriously bathe), I impart to you via divine revelation truths you have not yet known.

Seek Me, beloved. My word is My heart laid bare, know Me. Hear My heart cry and feel the depth of My longing for the hearts of My people. For the more of Me that is hidden in their hearts, the more radiant they become, and that glow draws others home to Me. A beautiful gift from My beloved to Me.

Explore with Me

Isaiah 45:3 (VOICE) I will give you hidden treasures and wealth tucked away in secret places; I will reveal them to you. Then you will know that I am the Eternal, the God of Israel, who calls you by name.

Beloved, I have so much more for you – things below the surface, outside your immediate natural understanding – will you go deep with Me? Will you allow Me to give you revelation? Will you choose to take the time – make the time – for us to be together?

Seek Me as you would immeasurable riches, for I AM more worthy and considerably more satisfying than such. Explore with Me. Together let us plumb the depths of My mysteries that I may share with you and teach you as I have promised. Continue reading “Explore with Me”

My Light Prevails

Psalm 18:11-12 (TPT) Wrapped and hidden in the thick-cloud darkness His thunder-tabernacle surrounding Him. He hid Himself in mystery-darkness, the dense rain clouds were His garments. Suddenly, the brilliance of His presence breaks through…

Beloved, in the shadow of the Almighty – My shadow – you are safe, protected, restored, recharged, prepared, transformed, and made whole. My brilliance breaks through – both from Me directly and from you as one who carries My presence. It is a deep warfare – light chasing the darkness – and not even chasing, dispelling. Almost like no fight is necessary, but simply to “be.” Simply to shine.

I bring beauty even in your night seasons, and reveal the mysteries of heaven in the hidden places. I AM the Revealer of Mysteries – Gelah Raz – the Holy One of Israel. Make Me your dwelling place, your shelter in the storm because even when the storm rages, My light prevails.

Take the Limits Off Your Expectations of Me 

Isaiah 45:3 (JUB) And I will give thee the hidden treasures and the well-guarded secrets that thou may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, who gives thee thy name.

Beloved, nothing is hidden from Me. I haven’t lost anything nor will I ever struggle to put something in your hand. I AM sovereign. Be a yielded vessel and truly surrender all you have to Me that I may position you and equip you as I desire. Hold Me and relationship with Me dearest of all.

I will whisper to you secret things you have not known.  I will supernaturally provide for you. I will move in and through you in ways you cannot imagine. See with My eyes and hear with My heart. Know that each soul is more valuable to Me than any amount of silver. Discern true worth and refuse to be sucked in by the world’s system. Allow Me to move. Take the limits off your expectations of Me and give Me room to perform.

I AM the Eternal One

Revelation 22:13 (AMP) I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End [the Eternal One].”

Beloved, I AM omnipresent. I AM everywhere at all times. I AM the first and the last, the beginning and the end – I AM. Never forget Who it is that is for you. Don’t let the lies of the enemy of your soul convince you I AM less than… I AM the Eternal One – bigger than you can begin to imagine – and I AM on your side.

May My majesty leave you breathless and My splendor make you stand in awe. Is anything too great for Me? Is anything beyond My reach? Remember My greatness. May I be magnified in your eyes. May you glimpse My glory and begin to have whispers of understanding of how magnificent I AM. If you see Me rightly, the scale of everything and everyone else becomes rightly aligned. Truly greater is He that is for you than he who is against you. I AM God. Continue reading “I AM the Eternal One”

Gelah Raz (Revealer of Mysteries)

I shared a version this on my personal blog several years back, but this is worth revisiting. Sometimes people wonder “why” I’ve chosen various colors or oils for their scarf (or art), or why one scarf letter is less than half a page and another is three pages. The only way I can answer that is by talking about the nature of God and how He wants to use this ministry.

The purpose of Dyed4you Ministries is to facilitate encounters with the living God. Continue reading “Gelah Raz (Revealer of Mysteries)”