Beloved, you are so precious to me. Let go of your self-criticism and trust the good I am unfolding in your life. You are perfectly situated to receive messages of this moment… just quiet your mind enough to hear them.
You have spent a lot of time playing the “Martha” role lately. Make space for a season of “Mary.” Receive that blessing and you will find you genuinely have more to give. Cherish and guard that precious time as closely as you would your most prized possession.
Answer the invitation of your soul to meet in stillness. You hear it calling… notice how habits and things that feel urgent fill your time and leave little space for what is most important. Are you ready to let go of your compulsion to manage details and make space to breathe in the inspiration I have for you?
My timing is perfect, dear one. All is well. Letting go of a sense of duty or control, imagine what action flowing from inspired listening will look like.
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