Field Vision

Close my eyes and see a vision of a field, peaceful green field. In it is a huge towering tree and nearby is a creek winding its way around the out skirts of the field.  I see children in the field, mostly young girls at the age of 5-7 years old.

One is running and playing with the tall blades of grass as she freely runs and dances with the twirling of her little skirt and playing with the tall grass with her fingers.  Another is bending down exploring a huge caterpillar and wondering where its home is and captured by the need to watch it to move along.  She is unaware of anything else but exploring and admiring this little creature.

Another girl has climbed up as high as possible on the tree- searching the horizon and feeling very brave for climbing up as high as she could go.  Another is content to sit in a swing attached to the tree and just move back and forth at a smooth even pace and smiling as she dreams while on the swing.  One child has waded into the creek, letting the cool water touch her feet. She looks for any sign of life in the creek like tadpoles, searching the pool of water.  She decides to splash around the water and takes great delight in the moment.

One thing is sure, they all are different in personality and size. They are all focused on doing their very own things with no cares about anything else outside of what they are doing in the moment. Each one is exploring in their way, and all are enjoying the day.  The sun is shining down and the birds are singing a beautiful melody.

I hear the Father say: I see these children and as my sun shines down upon them, so do I, bring my love upon and over each one of them.  I love them all, every different one that is exploring this field.  I created them that way, to be different and unique.  No one is the same and they are all happy because they are doing exactly what I created them to do.  One is not above the other- they are ALL precious in my sight and my love for each is unique and individually based on how I created them.

Seek that place of being in Me and we together will be hand in hand.  We together can explore this earth and you will be in safe place in ME.  You will enjoy life because you are doing what I created you to do.  It really is that simple.

Just bask in My LOVE for you just as you would on a sunny day and know that My plans for you are good.  I am the Creator and I create wonderful things. I created you and I put some amazing things inside you, don’t be afraid to explore those areas. I create individually, it will not look like others So never try to compare yourself with others. Just be YOU! You have the freedom to explore and dig out what I have planted inside you. Go to new levels with Me.

Will you take my hand my child?

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