Fruit of Your Lips

Hebrews 13:15 (TPT) So we no longer offer up a steady stream of blood sacrifices, but through Jesus, we will offer up to God a steady stream of praise sacrifices—these are “the lambs” we offer from our lips that celebrate his name! 

Beloved, may the fruit of your lips pour forth in praise to the One who is worthy. You have a choice of whether or not you bring forth fruit, and what kind of fruit it is. Will you withhold that which I AM worthy of? Or will you give it to another?

Surely as you nurture a heart full of gratitude, you will find yourself unable to hold back your praise. So cultivate a heart of thanksgiving and release your song of joy and love that the fruit of your lips might be sweet.  Continue reading “Fruit of Your Lips”

Seek to Fathom Me

Job 11:7 (NIV) Can you fathom the mysteries of God? Can you probe the limits of the Almighty?

Beloved, I AM fathomless, yet I AM worth the effort to try. The depths of My mysteries have no end. The stretch of My hand goes beyond comprehension. And yet, those who seek Me are blessed, and those who hunger and thirst for Me are filled. 

So though My ways may defy understanding, still you should seek to understand. And though My thoughts are higher than your thoughts, seek to raise yours to Mine. I AM fathomless, beloved, and yet seek to fathom Me. Continue reading “Seek to Fathom Me”

Allow My Spirit-Wind to Move You

John 3:5-6 (TPT) Jesus answered, “I speak an eternal truth: Unless you are born of water and Spirit-wind, you will never enter God’s kingdom realm. For the natural realm can only give birth to things that are natural, but the spiritual realm gives birth to supernatural life!

Beloved, pursue Me. Seek hard after the things of heaven, and expect the wind of My Spirit to blow. Be intentional to cultivate your spiritual senses. That which you focus on, you make room for. If you want more of My Spirit, make room by focusing in, and hone your senses so that you might receive.

I AM always eager and ready to interact with My children. If you press into Me, I will press in to you. The depth of relationship available to you with Me is fathomless. So spread wide your arms and throw back your head, and allow My Spirit-wind to move you.  Continue reading “Allow My Spirit-Wind to Move You”

Face the Flames

Hosea 6:1 (VOICE) Come on, let’s renew our loyalty to the Eternal One! He tore us like a lion, but He’ll heal us; He wounded us, but He’ll bandage us.

Beloved, My love for you never changes – no matter what you do or say. And I AM never cruel or unfeeling towards you. I will, however, allow hardships into your life to shape and mold you, and to build your character. 

I do not do this to be unkind, though in the moment it may feel that way. The contrast of “bad” gives “good” a greater fullness. Just as the contrast of sorrow brings joy more depth. If a child is given everything they want and they experience no hardship, they will be spoiled and self-focused. I will not do that to My children, for My love for them is too great. 

Therefore, I allow hardships and trials, but I walk through them with you. I AM present – ready to give support and strength as you reach for Me. Then as you come out the other side, I bring healing and restoration. And just as a scar strengthens the area where there has been a wound, I will strengthen you in the areas you’ve been tried. 

So face the flames of testing unafraid, knowing I AM with you and will walk you through, knowing you will be stronger for doing so, and knowing challenges are simply part of life. And, beloved, life is worth embracing in all its fullness.  Continue reading “Face the Flames”

Walk in Wisdom

Proverbs 3:17-18 (TPT) The ways of wisdom are sweet, always drawing you into the place of wholeness. Seeking for her brings the discovery of untold blessings, for she is the healing tree of life to those who taste her fruits.

Beloved, seek fast after wisdom and ask Me for it, for I will not withhold it. But remember that seeking and having wisdom is only part of the journey. Implementing that wisdom and making decisions based on it is essential as well. 

For as you walk in wisdom, blessing overtakes you. It draws you into a place of wholeness. And from that place of completeness, you are able to effectively pour out to others. So seek wisdom. Ask for it. Then walk in wisdom that you might be blessed and be a blessing.  Continue reading “Walk in Wisdom”

Unquenchable Fervor

Psalm 42:1 (VOICE) My soul is dry and thirsts for You, True God, as a deer thirsts for water.

Beloved, may your heart long for Me with an unquenchable fervor. May you soak in My presence as if your life depends on it – because it does. May your pursuit of Me be relentless, just as Mine is for you. And may you find peace in My presence, for it is there for you. 

Where else would you go to assuage your desire? For no person or earthly thing can satisfy the longing in your soul. None but Me, beloved. So resist the urge to look to poor substitutes, and saturate yourself in the fullness of My love.  Continue reading “Unquenchable Fervor”

Walk in Full Confidence

2 Corinthians 2:15-16 (AMP) For we are the sweet fragrance of Christ [which ascends] to God, [discernible both] among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing; to the latter one an aroma from death to death [a fatal, offensive odor], but to the other an aroma from life to life [a vital fragrance, living and fresh]. And who is adequate and sufficiently qualified for these things?

Beloved, resist the urge to be offended when those who don’t know Me taunt and tease you. Remember the fragrance of your life is an offering to Me, it need not appeal to them nor is it likely to. 

Your light reminds them that they are in darkness, and no matter how much they may have grown accustomed to the dark, I have placed a desire in each heart for My light. The longing for it can cause a jealous desire they themselves may not even recognize. 

So refuse to allow yourself to be influenced by the unkind words of those around you. Instead be firmly rooted in who I say you are and walk in full confidence in your identity as a precious child of Mine.  Continue reading “Walk in Full Confidence”

Relentlessly Pursue the Mystery of Me

Job 36:26 (GW) Certainly, God is so great that he is beyond our understanding. The number of his years cannot be counted.

Beloved, seek out My mysteries. Continually seek to plumb My depths. Simply because I AM so great I defy full understanding doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try. There is much beauty both in knowing Me and the pursuit of doing so. And though you might seek Me all of your days, there will always be more of Me to ferret out. 

So endeavor to know Me, the unknowable God. Seek to understand, and refrain from wrongly judging Me in moments you do not comprehend My ways. I AM omnipotent and all-knowing. I AM also merciful and good, slow to anger and long suffering. Trust My character, and relentlessly pursue the mystery of Me. Continue reading “Relentlessly Pursue the Mystery of Me”

Run, Rest, Rely

Proverbs 18:10 (TPT) The character of God is a tower of strength, for the lovers of God delight to run into his heart and be exalted on high.

Beloved, I AM sovereign, and I AM strong. I AM YHVH Tsur – the Lord your strength, and YHVH Misgab – the Lord your Strong Tower. I AM unchanging – the alpha and omega, the same yesterday, today, and forever. Rest in Me.

My character is infallible. It creates a safe and stable foundation for you – a place you can rely on. Rest in Me. My name reflects My character, for I AM that I AM. Remember, beloved, run to Me, rest in Me, and rely on Me, for I AM wholly faithful and ever true.  Continue reading “Run, Rest, Rely”

El Chai (the Living God)

Zechariah 10:1 (VOICE) Pray to the Eternal, asking for rain in the spring; He is the One bringing the storm clouds. He fills them with heavy rain, showers of rain for the plants of the field for everyone.

Beloved, pray for rain. Pray for Me to swing wide the floodgates of heaven and saturate My people and all the earth. I AM the One who brings refreshing in the dry, desert seasons. I AM El Chai, the Living God, and I bring life and bring it in abundance. 

In My great mercy, I pour out My rain on all – the righteous and the unrighteous. I will not withhold My life-giving flow, nor deny anyone the opportunity to grow. Be sure to use wisely the blessing that I give that increase can be given all the more.  Continue reading “El Chai (the Living God)”