Create with Me 

Isaiah 40:28 (TLB) Don’t you yet understand? Don’t you know by now that the everlasting God, the Creator of the farthest parts of the earth, never grows faint or weary? No one can fathom the depths of his understanding.

Beloved, I AM the idea maker. I never run out of ideas. My creativity knows no bounds. Take My hand and create with Me. I love to share in the joy of bringing forth new life and ideas into being. I AM the Creator. Listen for My whisper and be moved by the touch of My hand. I declared light into being, and it came forth. Behold the smallest detail on the daintiest flower is My design. I AM beautiful and I bring forth beauty.

I will paint the sky as you paint with words. I will create new colors as you blend your palette. I will bring forth music as you sing a new song. Don’t hold back. Don’t censor yourself, or restrain or limit your creativity, allow it to flow and My Spirit to flow through you. Let your work reflect My heart and My kingdom. Bring forth aspects of My glory and My grandeur. Make Me known in the earth.

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