My Light Pierces the Harshest Night

Psalm 18:16 (TPT) …He reached down into my darkness to rescue me! He took me out of my calamity and chaos and drew me to himself, taking me from the depths of my despair!

Beloved, no darkness is too deep for Me to reach you. For My light pierces even the harshest night. So though the walls may seem to be closing in and the pit seems unbearably deep, rest assured, beloved, I AM with you and I AM mighty to save. I AM drawing you to My side.

And in the darkness when you cannot see and your senses feel impaired, remember that is where faith is made strongest, because you must choose to blindly trust in Me. So refuse to let the darkness overtake you, and cling tightly to My hand. For I AM faithful and no hardship of the night is enough to convince Me to leave your side. I AM with you always, so cling to Me. Continue reading “My Light Pierces the Harshest Night”

Treasured Gift

Psalm 149:3-4 (VOICE) So let the music begin; praise His name—dance and sing to the rhythm of the tambourine, and to the tune of the harp. For the Eternal is listening, and nothing pleases Him more than His people…

Beloved, your worship brings Me such pleasure – it is a treasured gift to Me. When you pour forth your praise with unreserved abandon from a heart filled with gratitude it is precious to Me – like a sweet, fragrant offering before My throne.

So hold nothing back and bring forth your sound. Lay it all out for My glory because I AM worthy. Let the cadence you set be in harmony with the heartbeat of heaven. Holy! Holy! Holy! Rejoice for I AM your God!

Dance of Sweet Intimacy

Psalm 63:4 (TPT) Daily I will worship you passionately and with all my heart. My arms will wave to you like banners of praise.

Beloved, lift up your arms as banners of praise. Give a wave offering unto Me. Hold nothing back. Pour yourself out like a drink offering – precious and sweet – before My throne of grace, holy unto Me. 

Press in, beloved. Come in closer. There is more for you here. So much more of Me for you to know. This is the dance of sweet intimacy as I draw you forever nearer. Come deeper into My heart, beloved, for it is ever true. 

Hover in Close

Psalm 63:8 (TPT) With passion I pursue and cling to you. Because I feel your grip on my life, I keep my soul close to your heart.

Beloved, cling to Me. Stay close and cuddle in. Wrapped together in beautiful harmony, our love satisfies. This love brings quiet. This love brings peace. Allow it to penetrate deep. 

Then walk in this love with Me close in your heart and spread My peace around. Carry it far and wide, beloved. Take it to those in need. Like Moses your face will shine with My glory, My touch on your heart so clear to see. So love Me, beloved, and hover in close. Be changed by the power of My love. 

Make the Time

Psalm 27:4 (AMP) One thing I have asked of the Lord, and that I will seek: That I may dwell in the house of the Lord [in His presence] all the days of my life, To gaze upon the beauty [the delightful loveliness and majestic grandeur] of the Lord And to meditate in His temple.

Beloved, bask in My presence. Dwell in My beauty. Make time and sit with Me. Be intentional to learn the truth of who I AM that you might be unshakable in your understanding of My character. To do that, you must take the time with Me. Just as you make time for those you love in the natural, make time for Me. 

When you’re with a dear friend, you don’t instruct them they need to be “more exciting” or you’ll go spend time with someone else. Instead you spend hours simply being together, and you find priceless moments in the quantity of time spent. So it is with Me, beloved. So it is with Me, so make the time.

My Resonant Peace

Psalm 23:2 (TPT) He offers a resting place for me in his luxurious love. His tracks take me to an oasis of peace, the quiet brook of bliss.

Beloved, rest in My love. This place of rest is one found inside, and not dependent on outer circumstances. Like an eye in the storm, My peace makes room for itself regardless of situations that may seem to challenge it. 

So cling fast. Refuse to relinquish My peace regardless of the winds and waves that come. Pause and feel that peace I have given you. Allow it to quiet your soul. Take comfort in My abundant love and breath in the bliss of My resonant peace. 

Find Comfort in Love

Psalm 23:4 (TPT) Lord, even when your path takes me through the valley of deepest darkness, fear will never conquer me, for you already have! You remain close to me and lead me through it all the way. Your authority is my strength and my peace. The comfort of your love takes away my fear. I’ll never be lonely, for you are near.

Beloved, My perfect love casts out all fear, so press into the comfort of My love. I AM with you always, and My love is unchanging. Know the strength of it. Find authority in that strength and peace to command the storms to cease. 

Be steadfast – rock solid in your faith. Know that you know that you know who I AM and who you are to Me. Rest in those truths. Embrace that identity. Receive the fullness of your inheritance from Me, and find comfort in the truth that it is unfaltering. 

His Cherished One

Psalm 16:8 (NIV) I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.

Although more often than not we count on the people around us and their prayers, nothing has your back more than Papa! Yes, it’s wonderful to have loved ones pray for you but in the end, even if nobody will ever utter one prayer for you, you will always be the favorite one in God’s eyes! Continue reading “His Cherished One”

Dwell in My Beauty

Psalm 27:4 (VOICE) I am pleading with the Eternal for this one thing, my soul’s desire: To live with Him all of my days— in the shadow of His temple, To behold His beauty and ponder His ways in the company of His people.

Beloved, embrace the sweet privilege of unhindered access to Me. In the same way that you would deeply feel the honor of being invited to spend time with a president or king, even more so with the King of Kings. 

Resist the urge to allow the familiarity of unfettered access to breed a devaluing of the gift you’ve been given of intimate relationship with Me. Magnify Me. See Me as I AM. Sit in awe at the depth of love and favor I’ve bestowed upon you. Dwell in My beauty, beloved, and embrace the gift you’ve been given. 

Lunchtime Live: Pressing in for More

More than a Servant (Moments with God)

{my heart cries} Holy! Holy! Holy! I stand in awe of You – of Your faithfulness and how You move. I am undone in Your presence. I lift my praise to You – the One who is worthy, the One upon the throne – exalted and majestic. You are so good. I am blessed and honored to serve You. 

{He responds with a touch to my head and a gentle smile. Receiving my adoration with joy, but also as His due. And He reminds me} You’re more than simply a servant, beloved. As we labor together resist the urge to feel more a handmaiden than a bride. ‘Less of you and more of Me’ isn’t a devaluing of who you are, but rather a broadening of the space within you that is surrendered to Me. It’s you making more room for Me to move in and through you. 

{overcome by love I respond} Thank You for loving me. Thank You for deciding I’m worthy whether I see it or not, whether I get it or not, and whether I embrace it or not. You are beyond good, Papa. Be glorified in me. 

Psalm 2:11 (AMP) Worship the Lord  and serve Him with reverence [with awe-inspired fear and submissive wonder]; Rejoice [yet do so] with trembling.