Slow to Speak and Slow to Anger

Psalm 106:33 (AMP) Because they were rebellious against His Spirit, Moses spoke recklessly with his lips.

Beloved, be not riled. Rather hold your tongue and refuse to be provoked – even on My behalf. There are consequences to every word that falls from your lips; therefore, guard them carefully. Refuse to be baited into fruitless arguments or allow petty bickering to incite you to stoop to its level.

Walk in humility and wisdom, being slow to speak and slow to anger. Weigh each word and seek My Spirit’s counsel, for I AM the only one who fully knows the inner workings of men’s hearts, so ask Me for instruction on what to say and when to say it, and I will advise you with true wisdom that brings harmony. Continue reading “Slow to Speak and Slow to Anger”

Speak Truth

Proverbs 6:16-19 (VOICE) Take note, there are six things the Eternal hates; no, make it seven He abhors: …a tongue that can’t be trusted…

Beloved, let your yes be yes and your no be no. Let your word be your bond – steadfast and reliable. Be true to your word just as I am to Mine, which I watch over to perform. You are made in My image, rightly reflect Me. Speak truth, and do so consistently and with love.

Remember your words bring forth life or death at your discretion, so choose life. Speak truth over those I place around you. The words of your mouth come from the overflow of your heart, so tend your heart with care, and take care to nurture others’ as well. Continue reading “Speak Truth”

As You Desire to Receive, Give

Matthew 7:12 (VOICE) This is what our Scriptures come to teach: in everything, in every circumstance, do to others as you would have them do to you.

Beloved, extend grace where you would desire to receive it. Extend forgiveness where you would hope to receive it. Extend love where you see it is needed. Refuse to withhold the blessing it is in your power to give. Generously expect the best, assume positive intent, and listen for the motivations of the heart.

Be known for your grace. Be known for your kindness. Be known as one who is fair and loving. Allow the fruit of My Spirit to pour forth from you without hindrance feeling no need to judge or criticize, but rather allowing My Spirit to be the One to convict and bring change – just as you desire to receive, give.

Grace in Persecution

1 Peter 2:19 (ESV) For this is a gracious thing, when, mindful of God, one endures sorrows while suffering unjustly.

Beloved, I know and fully understand unjust suffering. I have been persecuted, accused, and ridiculed. I know well the pain of being wrongfully attacked – even by those who matter greatly to Me – and the hurt that comes with it all is well known to Me.

When you find yourself accused, judged, and wounded, remember that I have been too. Use that moment to identify with My heart. Focus on that as you choose to respond in love and gentleness refusing to allow your pride to force you to respond rashly or in haste. Forgive those who hurt you and turn them over to My hand, trusting Me to respond as I see fit and to heal and protect your heart. Have grace in the midst of persecution and keep your eyes on Me.

I AM Your Strong Tower

Isaiah 58:8 (VOICE) Then, oh then, your light will break out like the warm, golden rays of a rising sun; in an instant, you will be healed. Your rightness will precede and protect you; the glory of the Eternal will follow and defend you.

Beloved, as you walk in righteousness it is My joy to defend you. I will silence the tongues that seek to slander you and bring destruction on those who would seek your ruin. Behold I AM a Jealous God. I love My people beyond comprehension and woe to them that would stand against you.

I have warned not to touch My anointed. I have cautioned and made the consequences clear. I protect what is Mine, and beloved, you are Mine. I both cover you with My feathers (gently protecting), and I AM the Lord of Hosts (waging war on your behalf). You are not without covering. I AM your strong tower. You are safe in Me. Continue reading “I AM Your Strong Tower”

 Stand Fast

2 Corinthians 10:5 (AMP) We are destroying sophisticated arguments and every exalted and proud thing that sets itself up against the [true] knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought and purpose captive to the obedience of Christ,

Beloved, stand fast. You know Me. When someone tells lies about you to your loved ones, what response do you desire them to have? Tuck tail and buy into the lies? Or stand fast and refuse to be moved; to know you so well that nothing can shake what they know to be true?

Beloved, that is what I desire too. For My children to know Me so well that they won’t attack My character when the lies and whispers of the enemy come, but rather that their vision of who I AM be immovable. Firmly rooted in the Truth. Unshakable. No lie can distort. No circumstance discourage. That you all might know who I AM. That I AM good. I AM for you and not against you. That I AM righteous and merciful. I AM love. And you are Mine.

Love Well

Romans 12:9 (VOICE) Love others well, and don’t hide behind a mask; love authentically. Despise evil; pursue what is good as if your life depends on it.

Beloved, resist the urge to hide who you are for you have been fearfully and wonderfully made, and you are worth knowing. The real you. Be genuine. Do not fear rejection or those who may misunderstand you, they reject and misunderstand Me as well. I know you and I accept you, may that be sufficient. May My love be sufficient. And may you reflect that love – loving like you’ll never get hurt – trusting that when you do, I will heal your heart and comfort you.

Hate that which I hate. Evil. The works of the enemy. Not people, beloved, but their unrighteous actions and sin. Love the people. Reflect My heart of grace, righteousness, and mercy. Pursue that which is good and upright. Lead by example. Let your actions speak volumes, and allow your tongue to rest. Love well.

Resist the Temptation to Doubt

Genesis 21:1 (VOICE) The Eternal One kept His promise

Beloved, I AM not a man that I should lie. Nor the son of man that I should repent. I AM infallible. Unchanging. Steadfast. I always keep My promises. I AM faithful from generation to generation. I AM slandered and accused, yet I remain the same: deeply in love with My people.

Resist the temptation to doubt Me when time goes long and the wait becomes agonizing. My plans and timing are for your good. Wait in patience, trusting Me. Do not make an idol of your desire to understand or demand that I explain Myself to you. Am I not God? Would you sit in judgment of My reasoning? Surely not!

You are My child. My beloved one. My heart towards you is good. Trust Me. Believe in My love, kindness, and affection for you, for when you know – truly know – there is no room to doubt My heart for you. My love for you is that great. Overwhelming. Bask in that love as you wait, knowing I AM true to My word.

Numbers 23:19 (GW) God is not like people. He tells no lies. He is not like humans. He doesn’t change his mind. When he says something, he does it. When he makes a promise, he keeps it.

Your Life is in My Hands 

Exodus 14:20 (VOICE) The cloud pillar took its position between Egypt’s and Israel’s camps. The cloud cast darkness by day yet it lit up the sky by night. As a result, the Egyptians never got close to the Israelites the entire night.

For behold My presence protects and guards you. You don’t have to worry who has you covered because the answer is Me. It is I who will defend you. Do not step into My path to try to “help” for in doing so you are simply taking matters into your own hands. The things that concern you, concern Me. Your life is in My hands, you placed it there when you gave your life to Me. Trust Me to cover you.

Your reputation is Mine, and I have said that every tongue that rises against you will be judged (Isaiah 54:17); beloved, do not defend yourself to others – it is My job and I do it happily. Simply keep your eyes fixed on Me and My call for your life; walk it out and leave the rest to Me.

Isaiah 54:17 (VOICE) But no instrument forged against you will be allowed to hurt you, and no voice raised to condemn you will successfully prosecute you. It’s that simple; this is how it will be for the servants of the Eternal; I will vindicate them.